Simple store app created with React.js. This project is a result of my work during the react project week at the one-year full stack web development bootcamp | DCI | 2022.
Project is created with:
- Bootstrap 5
- React-Bootstrap 2
- React.js 18
- CSS3
- Frame-motion 7
- Tsparticles 2
To run this project:
- Clone the project
- Go to the project directory
$ cd ../shop
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Start the server
$ npm start
- users log in/ out
- info page for products
- add, delete, increase, decrease product in cart, clear cart
- show number of products in badge
- calculation total price
- view product details card
- filter based on products name
- filter based on category
- cart and user saved in local storage
- responsive design
- product-related memory game
This is the final version of the app. Feel free to add more functionality and to extend my version.
- Particles
- Framer-motion
- Framer-motion Library
- Products images from (
- Front-end Design inspired by Kyle | WDS
- Many thanks to mohammadyousefvand
Created by @dimilidi - feel free to contact me!