A Twitter-like social media app written using CodeIginter4. Made as a final project for the web dev class at my university.
Unnecessarily complex because I like pain, and regular CRUD app is just plain boring.
Also see the vanilla PHP version here.
I used Ubuntu WSL to develop for this one. Using XAMPP? Too bad, you need to figure it yourself.
- Setup the LAMP stack, I used this tutorial.
- Install Composer.
- Check for enabled extensions.
$ ls /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/ 10-mysqlnd.ini 20-exif.ini 20-mysqli.ini 20-sqlite3.ini 10-opcache.ini 20-ffi.ini 20-pdo_mysql.ini 20-sysvmsg.ini 10-pdo.ini 20-fileinfo.ini 20-pdo_sqlite.ini 20-sysvsem.ini 15-xml.ini 20-ftp.ini 20-phar.ini 20-sysvshm.ini 20-bz2.ini 20-gd.ini 20-posix.ini 20-tokenizer.ini 20-calendar.ini 20-gettext.ini 20-readline.ini 20-xmlreader.ini 20-ctype.ini 20-iconv.ini 20-shmop.ini 20-xmlwriter.ini 20-curl.ini 20-intl.ini 20-simplexml.ini 20-xsl.ini 20-dom.ini 20-mbstring.ini 20-sockets.ini 20-zip.ini
- Copy the
file to.env
and modify it if needed. - Create an empty database named the same as in the
file. - Run the migration
composer install php spark migrate php spark db:seed AllSeeder
- Serve
php spark serve
To ease the pain for developing the client-side JavaScript you can install Node and get some autocomplete.
npm install