Back-End for File Storage that utilizes ECC, ECDH and AES-256 for session management (no storing PII)
participant FE as Front-end
participant BE as Back-end
participant Redis
participant Google as Google OAuth2
Note over FE: Generate ECDH secp521r1 ECC key pair
Note over BE: Generate 2048bit RSA key pair for JWT (per deploy)
FE->>Google: Sign in with Google
Google-->>FE: OAuth2 Credential Token
FE->>BE: Send { token, publicKey }
BE->>Google: Verify OAuth2 Token
Google-->>BE: Token verification result
alt Token verification successful
Note over BE: Generate secp521r1 ECC private key
BE->>Redis: Create session (uuid v4 id, ECC private key)
Redis-->>BE: Session created
Note over BE: Derive shared secret using ECDH
Note over BE: Encrypt payload with AES-256
Note over BE: Create JWT payload: { sid, data (encrypted), k (user pubkey), v (IV) }
BE-->>FE: Send JWT
Note over FE: Store JWT for future requests
loop For each authenticated action
FE->>BE: Send request with Bearer: JWT
Note over BE: Verify JWT
BE->>Redis: Get session private key using sid
Redis-->>BE: Session private key
Note over BE: Derive shared secret using ECDH
Note over BE: Decrypt data payload
Note over BE: Use decrypted uid (User ID) for file operations
BE-->>FE: Response
else Token verification failed
BE-->>FE: Authentication failed
$ yarn install
Before starting the app
# precompile scripts, run before building app
$ yarn run prebuild
# development
$ yarn run start
# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod
# unit tests
$ yarn run test
# e2e tests
$ yarn run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn run test:cov
- Author - dimankiev
This project is UNLICENSED.