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API mode

Dilshan R Jayakody edited this page Jul 3, 2019 · 9 revisions

This mode consists of 8 functions and all these functions are described below.

In API mode device accept instructions which start with a combination of header byte (0x5E) and function byte (Fn).


Following Python sample demonstrate how to display number 6174 using low-level API mode instruction.

import serial

device = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0')
if device.is_open:
	device.write([94, 49, 54, 49, 55, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

Python wrapper API for this mode is also available in here

Clear display

Clear all 10 digits of the display module. This function does not require any additional parameters.


Function (Fn): 0x30

Set display message

Update display of the module with the specified digit array.


Function (Fn): 0x31

M0 - M9: Character array to display on the module.

Set system time

Change the system time of the display module.


Function (Fn): 0x32

H0: Hour in 24-hour format. Value of this byte must between 0 to 23.

M0: Minute. Value of this byte must between 0 to 59.

S0: Seconds. Value of this byte must between 0 to 59.

Set system date

Change the system date of the display module. This function is not available in version 1.0 firmware due to the limitation of the STM32F103C series MCUs.


Function (Fn): 0x33

D0: Date. Value of this byte must between 1 to 31.

M0: Month. Value of this byte must between 1 to 12.

Y0: Year as two digits number. Value of this byte must between 0 to 99.

Switch to idle mode

Switch module to the idle mode.


Function (Fn): 0x34

Set idle message

Configure message to display on the idle state.


Function (Fn): 0x35

M0 - M9: Character array to display on the idle state.

Set idle mode

Configure idle mode.


Function (Fn): 0x36

V0: Idle mode value.

Mode (V0) Description
0 Clear display. (Maximum power-saving mode)
1 Display system time
2 Display system date
3 Display custom message


Activate built-in buzzer.


Function (Fn): 0x37