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Utilities / packages for use with the Elektron Octatrack. This is a mirror of the main development repository.


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Utilities for the Elektron Octatrack DPS-1

Various Rust binaries/libraries for use with Elektron Octatrack DPS-1 binary data files.

Releases will be available on GitHub. Development happens on GitLab.

Table of Contents


  • There will be bugs.
  • octatools only works with OS version 1.40B (the one I have installed)
  • AIFF files are not currently supported for octatools-bin samples commands. Only WAV files are currently supported.
  • Most commands from octatools-bin can probably be run on Windows, but I mainly develop on Linux, so I might have missed some issues. macOs will be a whole other kettle of fish.
  • If you are worried about destroying your Octatrack projects / data files -- take a backup copy of the compact flash card / set / project folder and work on that copy first.
  • This has mostly been a learning project for me to get to grips with Rust. Please do not expect high quality or reliable rust code.
  • Name your sample files uniquely. I cannot stress this enough. Especially with respect to the copying banks between projects command.
  • Every API and/or command is currently in an 'unstable' state and will possibly change in the future.
  • There will be bugs.

octatools is not ...

  • A replacement DigiChain
  • A new OctaEdit
  • Another Octachainer
  • Tested against multiple version of Octatrack OS (only 1.40B)
  • A GUI application with pretty buttons
  • Supported on macOS
  • Fully supported on windows (I'm trying my best with it)
  • Currently stable
  • Thoroughly tested for all possible edge cases
  • Expertly written
  • Paid-for software with a dedicated support team

octatools is ...

Multiple rust packages for doing 'stuff' with Octatrack binary data files ...

octatools-bin -- the CLI binary

Perform various useful actions to create and/or modify Octatrack projects/files, like copying banks between projects or chaining sample files together with slices.

The following features are mostly working, but still need thorough testing, i.e. they need examples created and loaded onto the Octatrack for IRL on-machine confirmation that they work; plus probably a bunch more automated test cases ... see Help Wanted.

  • Copy banks from one project to another: copies relevant project sample slots to the new project; copies sample files to the new project; remaps sample slots within bank data.
  • Create slice sample chains from multiple WAV files
  • Create a linear/random slice grid for an existing wav file
  • Deconstruct a slice sample chain into component WAV files
  • Write a new binary data file from a YAML/JSON source file (arrangement/project/bank/sample)
  • Dump binary data to a YAML/JSON file (arrangement/project/bank/sample)
  • Inspect various data files (project/arrangement/bank/part/pattern/sample)
  • List samples slots being used in a project
  • Find compatible WAV files in a local directory and write their file paths to a YAML file

Example usage:

Example: Copying a bank to a project in the same set

Here's an example of copying Bank 1 from the PROJECT_SOURCE project to the PROJECT_DEST project. The bank will be copied to Bank 16 in the PROJECT_DEST project.

octatools-bin banks copy \
  ./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE \  # source project location 
  ./path/to/SET/PROJECT_DEST \    # destination project location
  1 \  # source bank number (bank to copy) 
  16   # destination bank number

The unsaved project/bank state should now be different when you load the project. If you are happy with the changes, save the project and the bank with PROJECT MENU > PROJECT > SAVE.

If anything looks wrong, you should be able to use PROJECT MENU > PROJECT > RELOAD to undo all changes. Failing that, there are backup files created you can use to manually restore the project/bank. However, please be aware sample files cannot be un-copied/un-transferred, see the warning below as it is possible to have sample files be overwritten if you are not careful with file names.

WARNING 1: sample files are copied to the new project based on the sample file names. You will encounter issues/breakage if you have sample files between the projects that share the same file name but are actually different files. It is very easy to get lazy naming your sample files (I'm just as guilty as you are).

WARNING 2: the source project's sample slots are deduplicated in-memory during the copy to try and add as few sample slots to the destination project as possible (we only have 128 possible sample slots available per slot type). There are no changes made to the source project files as a result of this deduplication. However, if you purposefully duplicate sample slots in the source project for some reason, these duplicate sample slots will be removed during copying. Sample slots are unique based on their current slot settings, including the file path of the sample loaded into the sample slot, so a difference in slot settings (e.g. gain/tempo) means that slot is treated as unique.

Example: Copying a bank within the same project

You can also use this command to copy existing banks within the same project

octatools-bin banks copy \
  ./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE \  # source project location 
  ./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE \  # same project
  1 \  # source bank number (bank to copy) 
  16   # destination bank number

Example: Copying multiple banks with a YAML config

If you have a lot of banks to copy, you can speed things up by creating a YAML configuration file and using the banks copy-n command to copy each bank in series i.e. one after the other.

Example configuration file for copying the same bank multiple times to different projects

# file saved at ./bank_copies.yaml
  # copy the bank to a different project
  - src: 
      # I'm using Linux based relative file paths here
      # for windows you will need to change these to: 
      #   project: ".\\path\\to\\SET\\PROJECT_SOURCE" 
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE"
      bank_id: 1
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_A"
      bank_id: 1
  # copy the bank to another project
  - src:
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE"
      bank_id: 1
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_B"
      bank_id: 16
  # copy the bank within the same project
  - src:
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE"
      bank_id: 1
      project: "./path/to/SET/PROJECT_SOURCE"
      bank_id: 16
  # copy another bank from another source project 
  # to a project in a different set
  - src:
      project: "./path/to/SET/DIFFERENT_SOURCE"
      bank_id: 12
      project: "./path/to/SET_B/PROJECT_C"
      bank_id: 6

Then run

octatools-bin banks copy-n ./bank_copies.yaml

NOTE: Because the bank copy operations are performed in series, you could do weird stuff like copying PROJECT_SRC bank 5 to PROJECT_A bank 1, then copying PROJECT_A bank 1 to PROJECT_B bank 2, then copying PROJECT_B bank 2 to PROJECT_C bank 15.

I'm not really sure why you would want to do that, but you could 🤷

Example: Slice based sample chaining with the CLI

Create new sample files chained-1.wav and chained-1.ot which chains together multiple wav files, all accessible in a single Octatrack sample slot using the slices

octatools-bin samples chain create \
  chained \         # base file name of the resulting sample files
  ./outdir \        # directory path the new sample chain will be written to
  ./sample_1.wav \  # file paths of the sample files to chain together
  ./sample_2.wav \
  ./sample_3.wav \
  ./sample_4.wav \
  # ... etc 

The output chains are always suffixed with a number to cover the case where more than 64 sample files are included in the chain. 100 input samples will create 2x output chain file pairs: chained_1.wav/chained_1.ot and chained_2.wav/chained_2.ot.

So, you can include as many wav file paths as you want (sort of... memory limits apply).

Example: Slice based sample chaining with a YAML config

Doing the same thing as the CLI, but for two different chains using a YAML config file, which also allows you to modify the other settings of a generated sample chain

# YAML file written to `./chains.yaml`
  # currently has no effect -- i might remove the option.
  normalize: false
  # directory path where new sample chains will be written to
  # WARNING: Make sure `chain_name` is unique for the chains you want to generate
  out_dir_path: "./outdir" 
  # first chain to be created
  - chain_name: chain_1
      bpm: 120.0
      # gain needs fixing as it's not working properly
      gain: 48.0
      # Time stretch options: "Off", "Normal" or "Beat"
      timestretch_mode: "Off"
      # Loop options: "Off", "Normal" or "PingPong"
      loop_mode: "Off"
      # Quantization options: "Direct", "PatternLength", "OneStep", "TwoSteps",
      # "ThreeSteps", "FourSteps"  ...  etc. etc.
      # For a complete list, see: ./octatools-lib/src/
      quantization_mode: "Direct"
      - "./sample_1.wav"
      - "./sample_2.wav"
      - "./sample_3.wav"
      - "./sample_4.wav"
      - "./sample_5.wav"
  # a second chain, with different source samples and settings
  - chain_name: chain_2
      bpm: 200.0
      gain: 36.0
      timestretch_mode: "Normal"
      loop_mode: "PingPong"
      quantization_mode: "PatternLength"
      - "./other_sample_1.wav"
      - "./other_sample_2.wav"
      - "./sample_1.wav"
      - "./other_sample_3.wav"
      - "./sample_2.wav"

Then run

octatools-bin samples chain create-n ./chains.yaml

Example: Creating a "god-chain" with a YAML config

Let's say you have a bunch of favourite audio files that you usually use in a project. You can create a YAML config for these samples like so

# YAML file written to `./godchain.yaml`
  normalize: false  # doesn't do anything at the moment
  out_dir_path: "./outdir" 
  - chain_name: godchain
      bpm: 120.0
      gain: 24.0
      timestretch_mode: "Off"
      loop_mode: "Off"
      quantization_mode: "Direct"
      - "./favourite_1.wav"
      - "./favourite_2.wav"
      - "./favourite_3.wav"
      - "./favourite_4.wav"
      - "./favourite_5.wav"

Running the following command will create the files ./outdir/godchain-1.wav and ./outdir/godchain-1.ot, which you can load into your Octatrack projects

octatools-bin samples chain create-n ./godchain.yaml

If you find some new favourite samples at a later date, you can add them to the "godchain" by adding them to the end of the sample_file_paths section (example YAML shortened for brevity)

      - "./favourite_1.wav"
      - "./favourite_2.wav"
      - "./favourite_3.wav"
      - "./favourite_4.wav"
      - "./favourite_5.wav"
      - "./new_favourite_A.wav"
      - "./new_favourite_B.wav"
      - "./new_favourite_C.wav"
      - "./new_favourite_D.wav"
      - "./new_favourite_E.wav"

and then running the command again

octatools-bin samples chain create-n ./godchain.yaml

The "godchain" files will be recreated with the new samples added as slices after the existing slices. On the Octatrack, replace the existing godchain-1.wav and godchain-1.ot files with the new version to include the updated "godchain" in a project.

Any time you find new samples you like, just add them to the same config and regenerate the chain.

WARNING: Always add additional samples to the END of the sample_file_paths YAML list. The order of the list determines the order of slices. Adding files to the start of the list will put your new samples at the start of your sample chain, potentially meaning existing projects will no longer be using the correct slices!

Example: Creating random/linear slice grids

If you're like me, you like finding weird sounds within a much larger sample file to use within your music. Weird transients that can be used as drum hits, or strange tones that can be used as background ambience. I usually do this is by randomly seeking through a sample in the Octatrack audio editor menu and previewing the audio.

The octatools-bin samples grid random command pre-generates a bunch of random slices for a single audio file, to basically skip me having to do all this seeking business. Now I can just turn the SLICE knob and see what I get!

octatools-bin samples grid random <WAV_FILE_PATH> <N_SLICES>

WARNING: Unique sample file name conventions apply. If you want multiple random grids then you need to make copies of the files with different names and then run this command multiple times.

Or maybe you want to create a slice grid which is linear, i.e. all the slices are the same length and equally spaced apart. In which case, you can use:

octatools-bin samples grid linear <WAV_FILE_PATH> <N_SLICES>

Example: Deconstructing samples based on slices

Let's say you've been creating slices in a sample on the Octatrack. You found four or five sections of a long audio file that you really like. You'd like to extract just those slices and add them to a "god-chain" that contains all of your favourite slices.

You can create new WAV files from the slices of a sample file pair like so:

octatools-bin samples chain deconstruct my_sample.ot my_sample.wav ./outdir

This will extract the slices and write them as new files in ./outdir. The file names will be: my_sample_0.wav, my_sample_1.wav, etc.

You can then add these files to an existing YAML config for your "god-chain" and recreate the sample chain with your newly discovered slices.

Example: Converting data files to YAML/JSON

Let's say you wanted to inspect all the settings and sample slots for a project without having to navigate through all the menus on the Octatrack

octatools-bin projects bin-to-human \
  ./path/to/SET/PROJECT/ \
  yaml \

This writes the data file for a project to ./project.yaml, where you can now inspect all the settings for the project.

Example: Writing YAML/JSON files as new binary data files

Maybe I want to I can edit some of the settings for the project in the above example?

# example truncated for brevity
  # ...
      master_track: false  # change this to `true`
      cue_studio_mode: false  # change this to `true`
  # ...

I can convert this to a new binary data file

octatools-bin projects human-to-bin \
  yaml \
  ./project.yaml \

I can create a backup copy of ./path/to/SET/PROJECT/ and then make the project settings change to match the edited YAML config by replacing the existing file with the newly generated binary file

# make a backup in case i set inappropriate values
cp ./path/to/SET/PROJECT/ ./path/to/SET/PROJECT/
# replace the project file
cp ./ ./path/to/SET/PROJECT/

WARNING: octatools will not perform validation when converting human-readable values back to the binary data formats, except for basic type overflows (e.g. a setting that cannot be negative, but you provided a negative value). Check the comments and documentation in octatools-lib documentation to get an idea of appropriate values. This is also why I explicitly mentioned creating a backup in this example!

Example: Creating default project data files

Maybe I want to create a new Octatrack project, but I don't have access to my machine, or my compact flash card?

Well, I can run these commands and will end up with a complete project, ready to convert to YAML and start editing settings

mkdir ./NEW_PROJECT/
# new project file
octatools-bin projects create-default ./NEW_PROJECT/

# bank files 1 to 16, inclusive
for i in `seq 1 16` 
  ./octatools-bin banks create-default ./NEW_PROJECT/bank$(printf "%02d\n" $i).work
# arrangements files 1 to 8, inclusive
for i in `seq 1 8` 
  octatools-bin arrangements create-default ./NEW_PROJECT/arr$(printf "%02d\n" $i).work

Running ls ./NEW_PROJECT gives


The only thing missing is a file ... which seems to only be used to keep track of state within the sample editing UI on the Octatrack

WARNING: Creating a completely new project without a markers.workfile is currently untested behaviour. I'm just using it as an example to show what you can do with the create-default commands.

Work in Progress features (need more work / need to start work on)

  • Collect a project's sample files to the project directory
  • Collect a project's sample files to the set Audio Pool
  • Purge project directory of any sample files not present in sample slots
  • Find compatible audio files on the local file system for using in the Octatrack
  • Deduplicate project sample files with unique file names (content hash based)
  • Deduplicate all set sample files with unique file names (content hash based)
  • Clearing all patterns within a project (leaving parts alone)
  • Clearing all parts within a project (leaving patterns alone) ... is this even useful? o_O
  • Clearing all patterns within a bank (leaving parts alone)
  • Clearing all parts within a bank (leaving patterns alone) ... is this even useful? o_O

Help Wanted

  • User guide / documentation
  • Writing tests
  • General testing of the software

octatools-lib -- the read/write files library

Library with functions for reading/writing Octatrack binary data. Most of this is just the serde crate with a bunch of function definitions for doing different things.

Current Features (mostly working-ish)

  • Deserialize Octatrack data files into rust types
  • Serialize rust types into Octatrack data files
  • Convert Octatrack data files into YAML (string or file)
  • Convert Octatrack data files into JSON (string or file)
  • Convert JSON (string or file) into Octatrack data files
  • Convert YAML (string or file) into Octatrack data files


There are a small number of fields in data files which I haven't worked out what they do / are used for yet. If anyone can help here then I would be very grateful (see the list in ./octatools-lib/

The JSON / YAML data structures are a bit ... weird. I have done my best to not parse the underlying data into new structures, keeping it so that the library returns data that is as-close-to-the-raw-data-as-possible.

Like, the arrangements data could do with some work to deal with all the {"empty": ""} arranger rows. Header fields probably don't need to be there and can be injected in during deserialization.

octatools-py -- the python module

Python extension module for reading/writing of Octatrack binary data to/from YAML or JSON string data.

import json
from pathlib import Path
from octatrack_py import bank_file_to_json

bank_file_path: Path = Path("./PROJECT/")
json_str: str = bank_file_to_json(bank_file_path)
json_converted: dict = json.loads(json_str)

# prints: dict_keys(['header_data', 'patterns', 'parts_unsaved', 'parts_saved', 'unknown', 'part_names', 'remainder'])


The purpose of this package is to provide non-rust devs with a mechanism to make their own software. Rust has (fairly) stable bindings for Python provided by PyO3.

Might be useful for an application based on python HTTP APIs if someone is so inclined -- read the file from your website into bytes, pass to octatools_py, get the json for it etc. etc.

Current Features (mostly working-ish)

  • Deserialize all Octatrack data structures from binarized data
  • Serialize all Octatrack data files to rust types
  • Serialize/deserialize to/from YAML and JSON


If you don't write rust code you can ignore this.

Used to create #[derive(XXXX)] macros for the following:

  • #[derive(Decodeable)] for the octatools-lib::Decode trait
  • #[derive(Encodeable)] for the octatools-lib::Encode trait
  • #[derive(DefaultsAsArray)] for the octatools-lib::DefaultsArray trait
  • #[derive(DefaultsAsArrayBoxed)] for the octatools-lib::DefaultsArrayBoxed trait

See the trait descriptions for more information.

How to build packages

For a dev versions of octatools-bin and octatools-lib:

make build

For a release version of octatools-bin and octatools-lib:

make release

For a dev version of octatools-py (linux only)

# builds python extension module, 
# installs it in a local virtual environment,
# then perform some minimal smoke tests.
make build-py

For a release version of octatools-py (linux only)

# not available yet

How to run tests

Running tests

make test

To generate a test coverage report:

cargo install tarpaulin
make cov

The project is currently hanging around 50-60% test coverage.


The following projects were used a starting references for the initial serialization/deserialization efforts of data files (mostly the .ot files). Without them, octatools probably wouldn't exist.

A special shout out to OctaEdit by Rusty (no longer available which showed the community what it was possible to do. Hopefully there are lots of moonbeams and bunny rabbits wherever you are.

Other rust based credits:

  • PyO3 is basically the entire reason octatools-py can exist
  • the serde framework made reverse engineering data files a lot easier, octatools-lib probably wouldn't exist without serde.
  • same with bincode for reading the binary data


Utilities / packages for use with the Elektron Octatrack. This is a mirror of the main development repository.







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