Chipper is the voice back-end that drives conversations with Vector!
Note: This is a reference implementation that always responds with the intent defined here. It does not include speech to intent capabilities.
Directory | Description |
cmd | An example main file using the noop back-end services |
pkg/server | The main boilerplate for the chipper service |
pkg/voiceprocessors | voice processing back-ends (and we're looking for contributions!) |
pkg/vtt | the data types being passed around inside the services, done to avoid GetWhatever() function calls |
To build the binary, run:
# make build
Variable | Description |
DDL_RPC_PORT | The RPC port you'd like the service to run on |
You'll also need to either make TLS certificates or set the insecure flag in your environment. For more information, please see the hugh grpc library
Create a self signed TLS certificate
Append the root certificate to the vector-clouds built-in root certificate store
You'll need to modify this and this. Once completed, compile and upload the binaries to your robot. This package may help you out with that.
Modify your bots server_config.json
You'll have to edit /anki/data/assets/cozmo_resources/config/server_config.json and make it look something like this:
{ "jdocs": "", "tms": "", "chipper": "$YOUR_CHIPPER_INSTANCE_IP:$YOUR_CHIPPER_INSTANCE_PORT", "check": "", "logfiles": "s3://anki-device-logs-prod/victor", "appkey": "oDoa0quieSeir6goowai7f" }
Once this is done, reboot your bot.
Create an environment file for the docker instance
Your contents should resemble this:
Note: If you use a port other than 8084, you'll want to modify the "expose" and "ports" entries in the docker-compose file if you plan on using docker.
Building and running
$ make build-linux $ docker-compose up
The noop implementation provides a bare implementation, but doesn't actually read data from the incoming streams.
Here's a quick pseudo-code example for the IntentRequest:
func (s *Server) ProcessIntent(req *vtt.IntentRequest) (*vtt.IntentResponse, error) {
This is copying all of the data to a byte slice, which you most likely wouldn't want
data := []byte{}
data = append(data, req.FirstReq.InputAudio...)
for {
chunk, err := req.Stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
// The incoming file is done. Break out of the loop.
Return whatever error intent you'd like here, but most likely,
some sort of transmission error has happened and the client isn't
listening for a response
data = append(data, chunk.InputAudio...)
Do something with the audio data to turn the data stream into an intent.
this can be a static response, piped through a speech to text translation implementation,
or anything else you want. For now, we'll just print the data to the screen just to do
something with it. Yes, we're printing an ogg stream :-D
intent := pb.IntentResponse{
IsFinal: true,
IntentResult: &pb.IntentResult{
// This is what would be defined by the previous speech to text processing.
Action: "intent_play_cantdo",
if err := req.Stream.Send(&intent); err != nil {
return nil, err
This is returned for logging, metrics gathering, or whatever else you'd want. It has no
impact on the communication with the bot itself.
r := &vtt.IntentResponse{
Intent: &intent,
return r, nil