Project discontinued in favor of Lifeguard which turns out to be an evolution of SEMS.
Directly from PyPI:
pip install sems
Using pip but from source
pip install git+
or clone from the source (for the brave):
git clone
cd simple-environment-monitor-system
python install
For installation using pip (PyPI or source)
For installation from the source, go to the source project path and run
To change settings use variables of environments. The settings avaibles are:
Variable Name | Description | Default Value |
SEMS_DATABASE | Complete path to file used like database. | <current_path>/db.json |
SEMS_SERVER_PORT | Port number where the server responds. | 8888 |
SEMS_LOG_LEVEL | Log Level for application. Avaliable values are INFO, DEBUG, ERROR or CRITICAL. | INFO |
SEMS_LOG_PATH | Path to log files. | <current_path>/log |
SEMS_DEBUG | Run tornado application in debug mode. To enable uses True as value. | False |
SEMS_WEB_POLLING_INTERVAL | Monitor polling interval. Default value is one minute. | 60000 |