This repo is a few weeks delayed from developer's local repo.
DeeBee bot is a personal discord bot made as a self tutorial / introduction to python.
The bot is hosted and ran at Replit
This is my way to learn and achieve many goals in using python.
There are other python codes shipped with the main bot. Those are the weather.py
and dictionary.py
, as the name suggests, is a code that pulls weather images from Himawari-8 Japanese Weather Satellite and saves it as a 1-second long mp4 video file which the bot then sends to a discord server made for close friends.
has never been touched ever since it was made, I've been having problems formatting the JSON input from a website I'm getting from. However, I've been thinking of using spaCy instead for multiple reasons.
is simply a web server for UptimeRobot to ping to. If the bot is offline, UptimeRobot sends me a message so I can check the console for problems, or updates.