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A drag and drop html document builder based on the GrapesJS web builder framework.


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import Vue from "vue";
import VueDocumentBuilder from "vue-document-builder";
import "vue-document-builder/dist/vue-document-builder.min.css";

export default Vue.extend({
  name: "ServeDev",
  data: () => ({

  //Custom drag and drop components
  blocks: [
		idk "person-details",
		label: "Personal Details",
		media: "<i class='fa fa-list-ul fa-3x'> </i>",
		content:	`
				<div data-property="full_name">
					[Full Name Here]

				<!-- Date example -->
				<div data-property="date_of_birth" data-type="date">
					[Date Of Birth Here]

				<!-- Custom format example -->
				<span data-property="age" data-type="custom" data-append=" years old"></span>

				<!-- Default value example -->
				<span data-property="status" data-default="N/A">[Status Here]</span>

				<!-- Percentage format example -->
				<div data-property="progress" data-type="percentage" data-precision="2">

				<!-- Array of String Example -->
				<div data-property="hobbies" data-seperator=",">
				Hobbies: <span data-value></span>

					<!-- Nested Property example -->
					Address: <br/> <span data-property="address.street">[Street Here]</span>

				<!-- Array of object example -->
				<table data-property="employment_details" border="1"  cellpadding="1">
					<caption style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 5px"><b>Cash Collaterals</b></caption>
							<th data-key="employer" style="width: 20%;">&nbsp; Employer</th>
							<!-- Currency Example -->
							<th data-key="salary" data-type="currency" data-number-seperator="," data-symbol="$" data-precision="2">&nbsp; Salary</th>

		//Default options. See additional options at
    options: {
	    //Width for the editor container
      width: "auto",

			//Height for the editor container
      height: "100vh",

			//Font Family to use on document
      fontFamily: "'Roboto', sans-serif",

			//Font size for paragraph tags
      fontSize: "14px",

			//Margin values for the page
      margin: {
        top: "1.5cm",
        right: "1.5cm",
        bottom: "1.5cm",
        left: "1.5cm",

			// Show paddings and margins
      showOffsets: 1,

			// If true, will fetch HTML and CSS from selected container
      fromElement: true,

			 //Configurations for Storage Manager
      storageManager: false,

			//Additional Plugins
      plugins: [],

			//Configurations for Device Manager
      deviceManager: {
        default: "tablet",
        devices: [
            id: "tablet",
            name: "Tablet",
            width: "992px",
            widthMedia: "992px",
  components: {
  methods: {
    async onSave(htmlcss) {

  <div id="app">
    <vue-document-builder :options="options" :blocks="blocks" @save="onSave" />
body {
  margin: 0px;


Name Description
save returns html with inline css when the save button is clicked


Name Default Value Description
blocks Array< Block > A list of custom drag and drop components
options Object{ fontFamily: String, fontSize: String, margin: { top: String, right: String, bottom: String, left: String, },...EditorConfiguration} Document editor configurations.


A Block is an object which allows you to add aditional drag and drop functionalities to the editor. See usage above for example.

	id: String, //Unique identifier eg. user-details
	label: String, //Name of block
	media: String, //Fontawesome Icon eg. <i class='fa fa-account fa-3x'> </i>
	content: String // Html Content eg. <h2 data-propery="user.username>[Username]</h2>

In order to make the block content dynamic in the final html output add data-property to the html element in the content of the blocks with the object key from which the data will be populated. By doing this you can then use this library to populate the html output. See Usage for examples on how to make the blocks dynamic.


Formatters are denoted by the data-type attribute on an element and can have the value one of the following number, percentage, currency or date. If the data-type is not provided then the value remains as is. Formatters can also have specific options attached to them for instance, data-precision attribute which specify the number of decimal places to round a number to. See options below.

Formatter Options


Format a value to a number

Options Default Value Description
data-precision 0 The number of decimal places to round the number to


Format a value to a percentage

Options Default Value Description
data-precision 0 The number of decimal places to round the number to


Formats a value to a specific currency

Options Default Value Description
data-precision 0 The number of decimal places to round the number to
data-symbol $ The currency symbol to display
data-number-seperator , The digit separator


Tries to format value to the date format provided. If the date is already in the format, the data-type and data-format attribute can be left off.

Options Default Value Description
data-format - See date format options below. Eg. data-format="yyyy-MM-dd"

Format string can be anything, but the following letters will be replaced (and leading zeroes added if necessary):

  • dd - date.getDate()
  • MM - date.getMonth() + 1
  • yy - date.getFullYear().toString().substring(2, 4)
  • yyyy - date.getFullYear()
  • hh - date.getHours()
  • mm - date.getMinutes()
  • ss - date.getSeconds()
  • SSS - date.getMilliseconds()
  • O - timezone offset in +hm format (note that time will be in UTC if displaying offset)


Format value to a custom format by appending and/or prepending a custom string to it.

Options Default Value Description
data-append Comes after the value
data-prepend Comes before the value


A drag and drop html document builder based on the GrapesJS web builder framework.







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