Devolunch is an app that presents today's lunch menu on scraped restaurants. It's hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
The working version can be found at:
This repository consist of three services.
If you want to deploy it to GCP, head over to ./terraform.
This service is using Puppeteer to scrape all the restaurants that exists in ./apps/functions/scraper/src/restaurants, and saves the output to a .json
file hosted on a Google Cloud Bucket (to reduce cost).
It's hosted on a Google Cloud Functions v2 and triggered daily at 10:00 using a Google Cloud Scheduler.
Check out the scraper on how to add restaurants.
- Node w/ Typescript
- puppeteer
- pdf-parse
- Cloud Functions v2
- Cloud Scheduler
- Cloud Storage Buckets
- Terraform
Needs Scraper to work
The website is a React app built with Typescript that presents the lunch menu of the scraped restaurants. It's hosted on Cloud Run and is served by a simple Node express app.
- React w/ Typescript
- Vite
- Node w/ Express
- Docker image on Artifact Registry
- Cloud Run
- Terraform
Needs Scraper to work
The Slack notifier is a simple service that retrieves the data scraped by the Scraper and posts it to a Slack channel. The Terraform setup is configured to create a Google Cloud Scheduler which sends a message at 10:30 AM to the specified Slack channel.
Excited to work alongside you! Follow the instructions in CONTRIBUTING and code away.
- Make open source
- Implement Terraform support
- Add instructions on how to make a scraper
- Move scrape call to Cloud Function
- Add deploy on Github release
- Block main branch from anyone outside of the org (unless default)
- Add husky/lint-staged and make sure pre-commit is triggered to run lint/tests
- Add API definition
- Add API versioning
- Change filesOverride to be read from environment instead of code
- Change scraper to run PDF parse from within
- Fix shared npm packages for functions
- Host images in a bucket
- Add a separate service account for Cloud Run instead of using the default Compute Engine service account
- Add Cloud Function deploy step
- Serve images via the backend
- Split up terraform configurations into multiple files for readability
- Figure out a good way of handling restaurant chains