Utility app to calculate upgrade and price of holoo products by software codes, add or remove modules and maintenances
SSP Price Checker is an app used in SSP (Seraj Sabz Partikan Co) sale department for every price and info mining about Holoo Software.
What is Holoo?
How I ended up even making this app?
Holoo is an accounting software which has many varieties distinguished by codes like 11, 8134, 25 and so, which every one of them has different features and prices. In SSP Co that I'm working for, there are sale technicians who they have to know most of these hundreds of codes with their prices and calculate their differences whenever a customer wants to upgrade or downgrade from one code to another.
Holoo company has also yearly warranty that has different price for every code. Customers can add hundreds of modules and features to their code and they have their prices too. A sale person should memorize most of these datas which they are too many to memorize easily.
So I decided to design a software that helps my coworkers to just give them price of every code so they won't have to memorize them. But this easy peasy little free time project got bigger and bigger and it became a complete app usable for all purposes in sale department where staffs can use it to calculate everything about Holoo software codes, prices, modules and also warranty prices.
This app is made with Electron JS and React JS and also styled with Material UI.
To see the project and explore the code you can clone the repo and after installing node_modules you can run the app by simply run npm start
Omid Azad [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/devomid/SSP-Price-Checker
I got help from many many sources that I can't remember to mention here but here is some of them I can recall.