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This provides sample Blazor apps that summarise a YouTube video transcript to a given language


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YouTube Summariser

This provides sample Blazor apps that summarise a YouTube video transcript to a given language.


Known Issues

  • If your YouTube video is long enough, you might exceed the maximum number of tokens that Azure OpenAI Service can handle. For more information, see Model summary.
    • gpt-35-turbo: 4K
    • gpt-35-turbo-16k: 16K
    • gpt-4: 4K
    • gpt-4-32K: 32K

Getting Started

Provision Resources to Azure

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account, {{GITHUB_USERNAME}}.

  2. Run the commands below to set up a resource names:

    # PowerShell
    $AZURE_ENV_NAME="summariser$(Get-Random -Min 1000 -Max 9999)"
    # Bash
  3. Run the commands below to provision Azure resources:

    azd auth login
    azd init -e $AZURE_ENV_NAME
    azd up

    Note: You may be asked to enter your GitHub username/orgname and repository name where your forked repository is located.

  4. Get the endpoint, API key and deployment ID.

    # PowerShell
    $AOAI_ENDPOINT_URL = $(az cognitiveservices account show `
                             -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                             -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                             --query "properties.endpoint" -o tsv)
    $AOAI_API_KEY = $(az cognitiveservices account keys list `
                        -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                        -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                        --query "key1" -o tsv)
    $AOAI_DEPLOYMENT_ID = $(az cognitiveservices account deployment list `
                              -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                              -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME `
                              --query "[0].name" -o tsv)
    # Bash
    AOAI_ENDPOINT_URL=$(az cognitiveservices account show \
                          -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                          -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                          --query "properties.endpoint" -o tsv)
    AOAI_API_KEY=$(az cognitiveservices account keys list \
                     -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                     -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                     --query "key1" -o tsv)
    AOAI_DEPLOYMENT_ID=$(az cognitiveservices account deployment list \
                           -g rg-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                           -n aoai-$AZURE_ENV_NAME \
                           --query "[0].name" -o tsv)

Deploy Applications to Azure

  1. Run the commands below to deploy apps to Azure:

    az login
    gh auth login
    azd pipeline config
    gh workflow run "Azure Dev" --repo $GITHUB_USERNAME/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME

Deprovision Resources from Azure

  1. To avoid unexpected billing shock, run the commands below to deprovision Azure resources:

    azd down --force --purge --no-prompt

Power Platform Custom Connector in Visual Studio


Teams App with Blazor Server App in Visual Studio


Blazor WebAssembly App in Visual Studio Code

  1. Copy local.settings.sample.json to local.settings.json

  2. Update local.settings.json file for backend API.

    "OpenAI__Endpoint": "{{AOAI_ENDPOINT_URL}}",
    "OpenAI__ApiKey": "{{AOAI_API_KEY}}",
    "OpenAI__DeploymentId": "{{AOAI_DEPLOYMENT_ID}}",
  3. Build the entire solution.

    dotnet restore && dotnet build
  4. Open a new terminal and run the backend API app.

    pushd src/YouTubeSummariser.ApiApp
    func start
  5. Open a new terminal and run the Blazor WebAssembly app.

    pushd /src/YouTubeSummariser.WebApp.Wasm
    dotnet watch run


This provides sample Blazor apps that summarise a YouTube video transcript to a given language





