Docker containers that take snapshots from your Ring cameras and creates timelapse videos from the snapshots.
- ring-timelapse:snapshot - takes snapshots of all cameras
- ring-timelapse:timelapse - creates a timelapse video of the snapshots in mp4 format
- ring-timelapse:token - generates a ring refresh token
In order to run the Docker container you need a ring refresh token. To generate the token use the following command:
docker run -i --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target"
NOTE: Your token will be saved to "/my/host/folder/.token" and updated whenever a new token is received
To take a snapshot of every camera run
docker run --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target"
with the directory on your host where you want the snapshots saved
Upon completion the container stops and removes itself, allowing you to run it when and however you wish
To create a timelapse run
docker run --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target"
with the directory on your host where you want the snapshots saved
NOTE Once the video file is generated the snapshot files will be deleted. To keep these map the archive folder to a directory on your host by using
-v "/my/host/archive/folder:/app/dist/archive"
Upon completion the container stops and removes itself, allowing you to run it when and however you wish
An example crontab file can be found below which captures a snapshot every 5 minutes and creates a timelapse once a month
* * * * * docker run --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target"
0 0 1 * * docker run --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target"
0 0 1 * * docker run --rm -v "/my/host/folder:/app/dist/target" -v "/my/host/archive/folder:/app/dist/archive"