Generate documentation of a project using LLMs
- It is a CLI application which takes a project root directory as input.
- It then traverses the root directory and subdirectories, and generates a summary of each file using LLM.
- To generate summary of file, it passes file path and file contents to the LLM.
- It also generates a summary for each directory, using the summaries of direct children of the directory.
- It passes a list of sub-directory / file paths and their generated summaries to the LLM.
- It excludes any files ignored by git.
- It also ignores some extra files, like LICENSE, uv.lock, etc. while generating summaries.
- It assumes the project directory to be a git repository, and requires git command to be available.
$ uv run docugen --help
Usage: docugen [OPTIONS]
Generate project documentation using LLMs
--project-path TEXT Path to project root directory [required]
--output-path TEXT Path to output root directory [default: .docugen]
--llm-tool TEXT Supported LLM tools - llamafile, ollama
* --llm-tool llamafile
* --llm-tool ollama=<model-name> [default: llamafile]
--debug Enable debug logging
--help Show this message and exit.
uv run docugen --project-path .