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Functional Maps and Trees

This project provides a few purely functional data structures. Right now, it provides:

  • Hash Tries: purely functional map, based on hashing. The implementation is derived from Phil Bagwell's paper "Ideal Hash Trees"

  • Weight-balanced Tree: a purely functional (sorted) map from strings to arbitrary values. The implementation is derived from S. Adams' paper "Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language"

The tree structures provided by this project are immutable, i.e., cannot be modified once they have been constructed. Mutation operations return newly constructed tree instances (which may actually share state with the original tree, to which the operation was applied).

Weight-Balanced Binary Trees

The system darts.lib.wbtree provides support for weight-balanced binary trees, modelled after the paper "Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language" by S. Adams.

Applications can define their own subtypes of the wbtree type, with a specialized comparison predicate for the actual key type.

  • Type wbtree

    This is the base type for all weight-balanced binary trees. Every new tree type introduced by a define-wbtree form is a subtype of this type.

  • Macro define-wbtree

    This macro introduces a new subtype of wbtree, as well as a bunch of functions. This macro accepts two kinds of usage. The simplified form exists primarily for backwards compatibility reasons:

    define-wbtree name predicate &optional docstring

    It is equivalent to using the complex form

    (define-wbtree name 
      (:test predicate)
      (:constructor nil)
      (:spread-constructor name)
      (:documentation docstring))

    The long form has the format

    define-wbtree name clauses...

    where name is a symbol naming the new tree type, and each element of clauses may be one of

    • (:test function)

      Identifies the test function which is used to compare keys. The given function must be a binary function, which answers true, if its first argument is strictly less than its second argument.

    • (:key function)

      Provides a transformation function, which is applied to keys before they are processed further.

    • (:constructor name)

      Declares the name of the generated standard constructor to be name. The constructor is a function of a single optional argument, which is a list of key/value pairs in property list style. The default constructor is named make-NAME. You may generate a constructor with the default name by omitting this option or using a name of t. By specifying this option with a name of nil, you can suppress the generation of a constructor function.

    • (:spread-constructor name)

      Declares the name of the generated "spread" constructor. This function is just like the regular constructor above, but takes the initial members as &rest argument. The default is to not generate a spread constructor, unless this option is specified explicitly.

      If you use a name of t, the spread constructor is generated using its default name, which is make-NAME*. By giving a name of nil (the default), generation of the spread constructor is disabled.

    • (:predicate name)

      Provides the name of the type predicate function, which answers true for any object, which is a wbtree of the newly defined type, and false for any other value. If you supply nil as the name, then no type predicate is generated. If you supply t (the default), the predicate name follows the standard rules used by defstruct.

    • (:documentation string)

  • Function wbtreep object => boolean

    Answers true, if object is a wbtree instance, and false otherwise

  • Function wbtree-test => function

    Answers the binary predicate function that controls the tree structure. The result is a function value and matches whatever was specified as the tree type's :test function when it was defined

  • Function wbtree-empty-p tree => boolean

    Answers true, if wbtree instance tree is empty, i.e., does not contain any key/value pairs.

  • Function wbtree-size tree => integer

    Answers the number of key/value pairs contained in wbtree instance tree.

  • Function wbtree-node-value tree => value

    Returns the value stored in the tree node tree. If tree is empty, signals a condition of type simple-error.

  • Function wbtree-node-key tree => key

    Returns the key stored in the tree node tree. If tree is empty, signals a condition of type simple-error.

  • Function wbtree-node-left-subtree tree => subtree

    Answers the left subtree under tree node tree. If tree is empty, answer the node itself (i.e., tree). FIXME: this is a strange idea; why did I do it this way?

  • Function wbtree-node-right-subtree tree => subtree

    Answers the right subtree under tree node tree. If tree is empty, answer the node itself (i.e., tree). FIXME: this is a strange idea; why did I do it this way?

  • Function wbtree-minimum-node tree => node

    Answers the tree node with the smallest key value (with respect to the tree's predicate function) in the given wbtree tree. If the tree is empty, returns nil instead.

  • Function wbtree-maximum-node tree => node

    Answers the tree node with the largest key value (with respect to the tree's predicate function) in the given wbtree tree. If the tree is empty, returns nil instead.

  • Function wbtree-ceiling-node key tree => node

    Answers the node with the smallest key k, which is still equal to or greater than key in tree. If there is no matching key in tree, this function answer nil.

  • Function wbtree-floor-node key tree => node

    Answers the node with the largest key k, which is still equal to or less than key in tree. If there is no matching key in tree, this function answer nil.

  • Function wbtree-update key value tree &optional test => new-tree, indicator

    Answers a wbtree, which contains an association of the given key, mapping it to value. The resulting tree is a copy of tree, potentially modified to hold the new or updated mapping.

    If the value of key in tree is already "equal" to value (as is determined using test), the resulting wbtree new-tree will be tree itself.

    The secondary return value indicator can be used to find out, what changes have been applied to tree. Possible values are

    • nil No changes have been made, since the value found for the given key was already "equal" to the new value according to test.

    • :added A new key/value pair had to be added, since there was no previous mapping for key in tree.

    • :replaced The previous value of key in tree has been replaced by the given value.

    FIXME: A more meaningful convention would be to return one of nil (no changes), t (node added), and "old node" (node replaced).

  • Function wbtree-remove key tree => new-tree, indicator

    Answers a copy of tree, which does not contain a key/value pair, whose key matches key. The secondary value indicator indicates, which changes have been applied to tree. Possible values are

    • nil There was no entry matching key. The new-tree is actually the tree itself.

    • The node, which held the old mapping of key (and which has been removed in new-tree)

  • Function wbtree-find key tree &optional default => value, indicator

    Answers the value associated with key in the wbtree tree, or default, if the key is not present in tree. The indicator returned as secondary value is nil, if no matching entry is found in tree, or the actual tree node, which represent's the association, otherwise.

  • Function wbtree-find-node key tree => node

    Answers the tree node, whose key matches key in tree, or nil, if there is no entry matching key in tree.

  • Function wbtree-map function tree &key direction collectp start end => result

    Applies function to every node in wbtree tree. If collectp, the results of each invocation are collected into a freshly allocated list, which is returned from wbtree-map after the traversal. If collectp is omitted or nil, the results of function are ignored, and the result value is nil.

    If direction is :forward (the default), the traversal is performed in the direction from "smaller" key values to "larger" key values. If start is given, the traversal starts at the node with the smallest key, which is equal to or greater than value start, and will stop before reaching any node, whose key is equal to or greater than the given end. If no end is supplied, the traversal stops after all nodes have been visited.

    If direction is :backward, the traversal is performed in the direction from "larger" key values to "smaller" key values. If start is given, the traversal starts at the node with the largest key, which is equal to or less than value start, and will stop before reaching any node, whose key is equal to or less than the given end. If no end is supplied, the traversal stops after all nodes have been visited.

  • Function wbtree-fold function tree &key direction associativity initial-value start end => result

    Generates a "summary" of tree by invoking function for all nodes. The arguments passed to function depend on the value of associativity as follows:

    • if associativity is :left, which is the default, the function is called with the previous summary value as first, and the tree node as second parameter.

    • if associativity is :right, the function is called with the tree node as first, and the previous summary value as second argument.

    In either case, the value returned by the function will be used as the new summary value in the next invocation or the final result, if all nodes have been processed. On the first invocation, the value supplied as initial-value is used; if the tree is empty, the initial-value will be returned as result.

    If direction is :forward (the default), the traversal is performed in the direction from "smaller" key values to "larger" key values. If start is given, the traversal starts at the node with the smallest key, which is equal to or greater than value start, and will stop before reaching any node, whose key is equal to or greater than the given end. If no end is supplied, the traversal stops after all nodes have been visited.

    If direction is :backward, the traversal is performed in the direction from "larger" key values to "smaller" key values. If start is given, the traversal starts at the node with the largest key, which is equal to or less than value start, and will stop before reaching any node, whose key is equal to or less than the given end. If no end is supplied, the traversal stops after all nodes have been visited.

  • Function wbtree-scan-range-forward function comparator tree => unspecific

    Applies function to the subset of nodes of tree (in order) for which the given comparator function indicates, that they are contained in the desired range. The comparator is a function of one argument (a key found in some tree node) that returns an integer as follows

    • the value is negative if the key value is smaller than the first desired value in the range

    • the value is positive if the key value is larger than the last desired value in the range

    • the value is zero if the key value lies within the range to report via function

    This function itself has no interesting return value; it currently always returns the input tree.

  • Function wbtree-correlate function tree1 tree2 &key test direction => unspecific

  • Function wbtree-difference tree1 tree2 => new-tree

  • Function wbtree-union tree1 tree2 &key combiner => new-tree

  • Function wbtree-intersection tree1 tree2 &key combiner => new-tree

  • Function wbtree-iterator tree &key start end comparator from-end => iterator

    Answers a function of zero arguments, that on each call produces the next available node (in iterations order) from the given tree. If all nodes have been generated, the iterator functions returns nil.

    If from-end is true, then iteration is backwards, from larger to smaller nodes, otherwise it matches the tree order (i.e., nodes are produced from smallest to largest). The default for from-end is false.

    The iterator can be used to produce only a subset (a contiguous range) of nodes by specifying an appropriate comparator. The comparator is a function of one element (the key of a node in the tree) that returns

    • a negative integer if the key is smaller than any key in the desired range

    • a positive integer if the key is larger than any key in the desired range

    • zero if the key lies in the desired range


    (define-wbtree integer-tree (:test <))
    (defvar *tree* (make-integer-tree (list 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t)))
      with iter = (wbtree-iterator *tree* 
                     :comparator (lambda (key)
                                    ((< key 2) -1)
                                    ((<= 4 key) 1)
                                    (t 0))))
      for node = (funcall iter) then (funcall iter) while node
      as value = (wbtree-node-key node)
      do (print value))

    prints 2 and 3. For simple use cases, instead of providing a comparator function, client code can also provide start and/or end. In this case, iteration starts with the first element in the tree whose key is not less than start, and stops when reaching an element whose key is at least end. If from-end, iteration starts at the largest element not larger than start and stops at the largest element not smaller than end. Hence, the example above could have been written as

    (wbtree-iterator *tree* :start 2 :end 4)

    The values for start and end are ignored if a comparator is explicitly specified.

  • Function wbtree-equal tree1 tree2 &key test => boolean

Debugging helpers and esoterica

  • Function wbtree-check-invariants tree
  • Function wbtree-rebalance tree => new-tree


  • Function wbtree-lower-boundary-node tree => node
  • Function wbtree-upper-boundary-node tree => node

Hash Tries

A hash trie is a purely functional data structure, which provides a mapping from keys to values using hashing. Unlike Common Lisp's standard hash tables, hash tries are immutable. Any operation, which changes a hash trie returns a copy. Also, hash tries can use any equivalence predicate and hash function you care to provide. The default equivalence predicate is eql, and the default hash function is sxhash.

The implementation of hash tries can be found in package DARTS.LIB.HASHTRIE.

  • Type hashtrie

    The type hashtrie is a base type for all application defined concrete hashtrie implementations. This type is exposed primarily for the purpose of type discrimination, allowing applications to, say, specialize generic functions on arbitrary hash tries.

  • Macro define-hashtrie name &body clauses ...

    Supported clauses are:

    • (:hash function)

      Declares function as the function, which computes the hash values. The function must be name a function taking a single argument and returning a positive integer in the range of (unsigned-byte 32) (well, the implementation uses the bottom-most 32 bits only...).

      The default hash function is sxhash.

    • (:test function)

      Declares the function used to test, whether two keys are equal. The default test function is eql.

    • (:key function)

      Declares a transformation function, which is applied to all user-supplied hash key value prior to hashing. The function's result is what gets actually used as the hash key. Note, that if a key transformation is supplied, the original input value is not used or stored by the hash trie (except initially, when it is passed as argument to the transformation function).


      (define-hashtrie uppercase-htrie
        (:test string=)
        (:key string-upcase))
      (setf *x* (make-uppercase-htrie (list "foo" "value-of-FOO" #\A "value-of-A" t "value-of-T")))
      (hashtrie-find #\t *x*)  ;; => "value-of-T"
    • (:predicate name)

      Declares the name of the generated type predicate to be name. The predicate can be used (in addition to or instead of) (typep ... 'name) to test, whether a value is an instance of the newly defined hash trie type.

      You can use nil as name in order to suppress the generation of an additional type predicate. By using t as name, you get a predicate with the default name (which is also the standard behaviour)

    • (:constructor name)

      Declares the name of the generated standard constructor to be name. The constructor is a function of a single optional argument, which is a list of key/value pairs in property list style. The default constructor is named make-NAME. You may generate a constructor with the default name by omitting this option or using a name of t. By specifying this option with a name of nil, you can suppress the generation of a constructor function.

    • (:spread-constructor name)

      Declares the name of the generated "spread" constructor. This function is just like the regular constructor above, but takes the initial members as &rest argument. The default is to not generate a spread constructor, unless this option is specified explicitly.

      If you use a name of t, the spread constructor is generated using its default name, which is make-NAME*. By giving a name of nil (the default), generation of the spread constructor is disabled.

    • (:documentation string)

      Adds the given string as documentation string to the structure type definition, the macro expands into.

    After this macro's expansion has been evaluated, name names a valid lisp structure type; in particular, the name can be used with typep as well as for CLOS method dispatch. The new structure type is a subtype (in the sense of subtypep) of hashtrie.


    (define-hashtrie integer-htrie
      (:hash identity)
      (:test eql)
      (:constructor make-integer-htrie)
      (:documentation "A simple hash trie, whose keys
        are integers. We use the keys directly as their
        own hashes."))

    Note, that the values given to the :test and :hash options must both be suitable for having function wrapped around them. Literal lambda expressions are ok, and so are symbols naming functions.

  • Function hashtriep value => boolean

    Answers true, if value is a hash trie instance, and false otherwise. Note, that concrete hash trie implementations have their own specific predicates, too.

  • Function hashtrie-empty-p trie => boolean

    Answers true, if hash trie trie is empty, and false, if it contains at least one key/value pair.

  • Function hashtrie-count trie => integer

    Answers the number of key/value pairs contained in the given hash trie trie.

  • Function hashtrie-fold seed function trie => value

    Invokes function for each key/value pair in hash trie trie, passing three arguments along: the value returned by the function on the last invocation (or seed at the first call), the key, and its associated value. Hashtrie-fold returns the value of the last invocation of function or seed, if the trie is empty, and function is never called.

  • Function hashtrie-map function trie => unspecified

    Invokes function once for each key/value pair in trie, discarding any results.

  • Function hashtrie-find key trie &optional default => value indicator

    Answers the value associated with key in trie, or default, if there is no mapping for key in trie. The secondary value is a boolean indicator, which is true, if the key has been found, and false otherwise.

    This function defines a setf form just in the ldb (for example) does, i.e., if used with setf, the trie must indicate a valid place, which gets updated to hold the updated trie.

    (defvar *trie* (simple-hashtrie))
    ;; The trie is initially empty (no parameters have been 
    ;; handed down to the constructor).
    (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*)                 ;; Yields nil as 
                                             ;; result value
    (setf (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*) "First")  ;; Yields "First" as
                                             ;; result value
    ;; Now, the hash trie has been updated to contain a
    ;; mapping with key 1
    (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*)                 ;; Yields "First" as
                                             ;; result value
  • Function hashtrie-update key value trie => new-trie old-value indicator

    Answers a copy of trie, in which key is associated with value.

  • Function hashtrie-remove key trie => new-trie old-value indicator

    Answers a copy of trie, from which any association of key has been removed.

  • Macro do-hashtrie (key value trie) &body body => whatever

    Enumerates the key/value pairs in the hash trie, form trie evaluates to. In each iteration, key and value are bound to each pair's key and value, and the forms in body are evaluated sequentially with these bindings in place.

    The whole expansion is wrapped into an anonymous block, allowing the body to abort the iteration by using return. This is the only way to provide a non-nil result value for the whole do-hashtrie form.


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