Hey there! I'm Owais, a software engineer from Austin, TX with a little bit over half a decade of experience working in or education. In a past life I had dreams of being an infectious disease researcher, but quickly found that solving problems with programming and trying to build good software are near infinite wells of joy for me.
Right now I'm working on a few projects for a company I've started, called Stormlight Labs where I'm trying to build software that helps people take care of themselves and each other (with some libraries and developer tools mixed in).
I'm currently seeking a new role! If you'd like a copy of my resume or would like
to chat, my email address is jamil.owais <at> gmail.com
- A flutter app that gives you ideas for self-care and reflection
- A cross-platform note taking and research application made with iced.
- 100 Days to Offload on my personal blog