This project only houses a Dockerfile which encapsulates all (or, most of) the dependencies to get started with the Matterport object detection and instance level segmentation library called Mask_RCNN.
The Dockerfile extends from a deep-learning image and installs the Mask_RCNN library.
It shares a MIT license, like the Mask_RCNN project.
For a more detailed usage, see this Docker Hub repo.
In summary, you can quickly get started with the following
Build the docker image
docker build -t deontaljaard/mrcnn .
Run it
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 -v ~/:/host deontaljaard/mrcnn
To import the relevant namespaces from mrcnn in your Python file, you can do the following for example
import mrcnn.model
Happy detecting and segmenting!