⚠️ This has been superseeded by demostf/frontend ⚠️
Frontend code for demos.tf, see the api code for the backend.
The api is expected to be reachable at the api
subdomain of the domain that the site is hosted on, this can be changed in src/config.ts
A prebuild docker image exist in the docker hub.
Node.js and npm are required to build the project.
For systems with make, a Makefile is provided to ease building, simply running
will build the entire project.
If you don't have make available you can build the project without it.
npm install
node node_modules/.bin/webpack --verbose --colors --display-error-details --config webpack.prod.config.js
Since this project only holds static frontend code the webserver only needs to server static files.
Besides serving the static content in build/
the server will also need to be configured to server build/index.html
for any request to a non existing url.
A sample config for nginx can be found in nginx.conf
For development you can use the webpack development server which will server the site while automatically recompiling any changes made to the source and hot-reloading the changes.
You can run the development server with
make watch
node node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --hot --inline --config webpack.dev.config.js