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Damian edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the muddler wiki

What is Muddler?

Muddler is a build tool for creating Mudlet packages. It creates xml files readable by Mudlet which produce first-class Mudlet citizens listed in the profile editor as opposed to a bunch of temporary ones or deleting/recreating permanent ones using the Mudlet Lua API.

It favors convention over configuration, which means it isn't designed to recreate everything from Mudlet perfectly or give access to every option necessarily, but rather to make it easy to create a Mudlet package if you stick within muddler's capabilities/understanding rather than attempting to bend it to your will.

That being said, it can be made to do just about everything you might want to make it do.

Install Muddler

See the installation instructions over HERE

Using Muddler

Usage information can be found over HERE

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