Everyone can use a dash of style.
Dash of Style provides a very simple way to create a style guide for your site or app. Also commonly known as a living styleguide as the style on the page reflects the actual code being used to style elements across the site.
Check out dash-of-style-example for our example implementation out of the box.
The best way to include the dash-of-style is via npm.
npm add dash-of-style # Add library to package.json
npm install --only=production # Package now available in node_modules/dash-of-style
On your styleguide html page include our style scaffold to get you started.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/dash-of-style/scaffold.css">
Create a page to be your styleguide we suggest /styleguide.html, being the common convention.
Add example elements to the page:
Add dash-of-style code to your page.
Check the web console and it should tell you "You've added a dash of style"
Major 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0 Minor 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0 Patch 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
Commit your changes to git
npm build # to create a new dist/dash-of-style.js
npm version patch|minor|major # select one
npm publish