OpenSkill is a job posting and application web application designed to connect employers with potential employees efficiently and effectively.
- User Authentication: Secured login and registration system for jobPoster and jobSeeker through JWT.
- JobPosting: jobPosters can post, edit, and delete their jobs. Also can change status of application submitted.
- JobSeeking: jobSeekers can explore relevant jobs and apply jobs in a user-friendly interface.
- Interactive UI: Edit and delete functionalities are easily accessible through interactive icons on each Application card.
- Frontend: React, Chakra UI
- Backend: Java with Spring Boot
- Database: Oracle SQL
- SQL Driver: OJDBC
OpenSkill utilizes a three-tier client-server architecture in Spring Boot, which includes:
- Controller Layer: Handles HTTP requests and responds with the appropriate HTTP responses.
- Service Layer: Contains the business logic necessary to fulfill requests.
- DAO (Data Access Object) Layer: Manages database interactions using Oracle SQL to perform CRUD operations.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env
-- [Optional] Port on which to run the backend server (default is 8080)
-- Database url where it is running
-- Username
-- Password
-- Secret key for JWT algorithm (You can add any random string)
-- Token expiration time in milliseconds.
- Ensure Java, Oracle21c, and npm are installed.
Clone the project:
Go to the project directory:
cd Job-Posting-Web-App
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd app_backend
Add OJDBC11.jar file as module in file structure. Open this app_backend in Intellij/Eclipse or any IDE. And run :
Run below script in Oracle SQL developer or any suitable IDE.
To run sql file:
@ Complete file path\schema.sql
In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ../app_frontend
npm install
npm run start
Your app should now be running!
Below are the HTTP routes available in the AdHub platform backend. All endpoints are prefixed with /api
Login: POST /api/auth/login
- Description:
- Authenticates a user and returns an access token.
- Request Body:
{ "username": "username", "password": "password" }
- Response:
- If user does not exist:
- Status: 404
- If password is incorrect:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
{ "token": "token" }
- If user does not exist:
Register: POST /api/auth/register
- Description:
- Registers a new user and returns an access token.
- Request Body:
{ "username": "username", "password": "password", "full_name": "full_name", "email": "email", "phone": "phone", "gender": "gender", "user_role": "user_role" }
- Response:
- If user already exists:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 201
- Body:
{ "token": "token" }
- If user already exists:
Update Job Poster Profile: PUT /api/user/job_poster
- Description:
- Updates the profile of a job poster.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Body:
{ "full_name": "full_name", "email": "email", "phone": "phone", "company_name": "company_name", "position": "position", "linkedIn_url": "linkedIn_url" }
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- If unauthorized:
Update Job Seeker Profile: PUT /api/user/job_seeker
- Description:
- Updates the profile of a job seeker.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Body:
{ "full_name": "full_name", "email": "email", "phone": "phone", "gender": "gender", "brief_description": "brief_description", "skills": ["skill1", "skill2", "skill3"], "resume_link": "resume_link", "user_role": "job_seeker", "job_type_preference": "job_type_preference", "expected_salary": "expected_salary", "year_of_graduation": "year_of_graduation", "degree": "degree", "major": "major" }
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- If unauthorized:
Submit Job Application: POST /api/application
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Body:
{ "job_id": "job_id", "application_date": "dd/mm/yyyy", "application_status": "application_status" }
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If already applied:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 201
- If unauthorized:
View Applications by Job ID: GET /api/application?job_id=job_id
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user is not job poster:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
[ { "username": "username", "full_name": "full_name", "email": "email", "phone": "phone", "gender": "gender", "brief_description": "brief_description", "skills": ["skill1", "skill2", "skill3"], "resume_link": "resume_link", "job_type_preference": "job_type_preference", "expected_salary": "expected_salary", "year_of_graduation": "year_of_graduation", "degree": "degree", "major": "major", "application_date": "application_date" } ]
- If unauthorized:
Delete Job Application: DELETE /api/application/:application_id
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user is not job seeker:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 204
- If unauthorized:
View Job Applications by User: GET /api/application/:username
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user is not job seeker:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
[ { "job_id": "job_id", "job_title": "job_title", "job_location": "job_location", "job_type": "job_type", "job_deadline": "dd/mm/yyyy", "company": ["company_name", "relevant_link"], "application_date": "application_date", "application_status": "application_status" } ]
- If unauthorized:
Update Job Application Status: PUT /api/application/:application_id
- Description:
- Update the status of a job application.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Body:
{ "application_status": "application_status" }
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user is not job poster:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- If unauthorized:
Create New Job Listing: POST /api/jobs
- Description:
- Create a new job listing.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Body:
{ "job_id": "job_id", "job_title": "job_title", "job_description": "job_description", "job_poster": "job_poster", "job_vacancy": "job_vacancy", "job_location": "job_location", "job_skills": ["skill1", "skill2", "skill3"], "job_salary": "job_salary", "job_type": "job_type", "job_date_posted": "dd/mm/yyyy", "job_deadline": "dd/mm/yyyy", "company": ["company_name", "relevant_link"] }
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user not job poster:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 201
- If unauthorized:
Retrieve Job Details: GET /api/jobs/:job_id
- Description:
- Returns the job object with the specified job_id.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If job does not exist:
- Status: 404
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
{ "job_id": "job_id", "job_title": "job_title", "job_description": "job_description", "job_poster": "job_poster", "job_vacancy": "job_vacancy", "job_location": "job_location", "job_salary": "job_salary", "job_type": "job_type", "job_skills": ["skill1", "skill2", "skill3"], "job_date_posted": "dd/mm/yyyy", "job_deadline": "dd/mm/yyyy", "company": ["company_name", "relevant_link"] }
- If unauthorized:
List Jobs Posted by Job Poster: GET /api/user/job_poster/jobs
- Description:
- Returns a list of all jobs posted by the job_poster.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user not job poster:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
[ "array of job_objects" ]
- If unauthorized:
List Jobs Matching Job Seeker's Skills: GET /api/user/job_seeker/jobs
- Description:
- Returns a list of all jobs where any one of the user's skills matches any one of the job's required skills.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user not job seeker:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 200
- Body:
[ "array of job_objects" ]
- If unauthorized:
Delete Job Listing: DELETE /api/jobs/:job_id
- Description:
- Delete a specific job listing.
- Request:
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
- Headers:
- Response:
- If unauthorized:
- Status: 401
- If user not job poster:
- Status: 400
- If successful:
- Status: 204
- If unauthorized: