OSARIS provides a framework to process large stack of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments.
- A working installation of GMT5SAR, further info and installation instructions at http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/projects/gmt5sar/wiki
- A working SLURM environment, further info and installation instructions at https://slurm.schedmd.com/
Clone the OSARIS repository: git clone https://github.com/cryotools/osaris.git
Provide DEM data. You may use the DEM generator: http://topex.ucsd.edu/gmtsar/demgen/
In the OSARIS folder, copy configuration templates to config folder
cp ./templates/config.template ./config/my_study.config cp ./templates/GMTSAR.template ./config/GMTSAR_my_study_.config
Edit new config files to fit your needs and local configuration. See comments in template files for details.
Make sure .sh files are executable (chmod +x )
Go to the OSARIS folder. Launch your run with ./osaris.sh ./config/my_config.config
Wake up sleeping nodes Status: beta
Prepare ArcticDEM tiles to be used as topo data in GMTSAR (merge, project). Status: alpha
Identify persistent scatterers by finding data points of consitently high coherences. Status: alpha
Shift unwrapped interferograms and LOS relatively to 'stable ground points'. Status: alpha
Calculate the difference between coherences. Status: conceptual
Identify regions where high coherence values drop substantially between two data takes. Status: beta
Extract values for particular coordinates throughout a series of grids (e.g. coherence, phase). Status: alpha
Your participation in the development of OSARIS is strongly encouraged! In case you want to add a feature, module, etc., please fork your copy, code your additions, and open a merge request when finished. If you are interested in joining the development team please get in touch: https://hu.berlin/davidloibl .
As stated in the license file, you are free to use OSARIS in whatever way you like. If you publish OSARIS results, e.g. in scientific publications, please credit the website cryo-tools.org/tools/osaris .
Thanks to Ziyadin Cakir who supported the conception of OSARIS with thoughtful comments and by sharing scripts.