Faster and cleaner looking implementation of trainlblazer v1. Better than its ancestor in every regard.
- Highly performent.
- Support for various algorithms.
- Soft design.
- Web workers to free the main thread while solving the 'maze'
- Added framer motion for better animation
- Included zustand for state managment
pnpn i && pnpm dev
- Typescript
- React
- Vite
- Framer Motion
- Zustand
- Support dynamic sized grids.
- Improve recursive DFS algorithm using DP.
- Respect user's "prefers-reduced-motion" settings using useReducedMotion from framer-motion.
- Add new input to tweek the chances of a wall getting places when running
Math.floor(Math.random() * 3.5)
. Replace3.5
with variable.
- See Maze-solving algorithms on wikipedia
- Spanning Tree Youtube channel - Dijkstra's algorithm
- Texicab Geometry
- Astar search algorithm
- CSS dot pattern background
- You can destructure using commans. [, , value]