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NFT Server

This server is meant to aggregate data from different subgraphs under a single API.

Run the project

npm install

After that you'll need to up check the .env.example file and create your own .env file. Some properties have defaults. Once you're done, you can run the project!

npm start # start the server

npm run start:watch # will watch for changes



Endpoint: /v1/nfts


type NFT = {
  id: string
  contractAddress: string
  tokenId: string
  activeOrderId: string | null
  activeRentalId: string | null
  owner: string
  name: string
  category: NFTCategory
  image: string
  url: string
  issuedId: string | null
  itemId: string | null
  data: Data
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number
  order: Order | null
  rental: Rental | null

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: newest, name, recently_listed, recently_sold, cheapest.
  • category: Filter by NFTCategory. Possible values: parcel, estate, wearable, ens.
  • owner: Filter by owner. Type: address.
  • isOnSale: Only return results that have an open, non-expired listing. Type: boolean.
  • search: Free text search. Type: string.
  • isLand: Only return results that their category is either parcel or estate.
  • isWearableHead: Only return results that their category is wearable and are part of the avatar's head. Type boolean.
  • isWearableAccessory: Only return results that their category is wearable and accessories (not a part of the body).
  • isWearableSmart: Only return smart wearables. Type boolean.
  • wearableCategory: Filter results by WearableCategory. Possible values: eyebrows,eyes,facial_hair,hair,mouth,upper_body,lower_body,feet,earring,eyewear,hat,helmet,mask,tiara,top_head, skin, hands_wear.
  • wearableGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emoteCategory: Filter results by EmoteCategory. Possible values: dance, stunt, greetings, fun, poses, reactions, horror, miscellaneous.
  • emoteGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emotePlayMode: Filter results by EmotePlayMode. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: simple, loop
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: address.
  • creator: Filter results by the creator address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: string.
  • tokenId: Filter results by tokenId. Type: string.
  • itemRarity: Filter results by Rarity. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: unique, mythic, legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common.
  • itemId: Filter results by itemId. Type string.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.
  • isOnRent: Filter results by NFTs that are on rent. Possible values: true, false
  • rentalStatus: Filter results by Rental status. Can be used only when querying NFTs that are on rent using the isOnRent flag. Possible values: open, executed, claimed, cancelled.
  • minPrice: Filter results by minimun price. Type: number
  • maxPrice: Filter results by max price. Type: number
  • adjacentToRoad: Filter land that is next to a road. Type: boolean
  • minDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of minimun this value. Type: number
  • maxDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of maximun this value. Type number
  • minEstateSize: Filter results by minimum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number
  • maxEstateSize: Filter results by maximum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number
  • rentalDays: Filter lands that have the possibility to be rented at least one of the days listed on rentalDays. Type: number. Repeatable


Endpoint: /v1/items


type Item = {
  id: string
  name: string
  thumbnail: string
  url: string
  category: NFTCategory
  contractAddress: string
  itemId: string
  rarity: Rarity
  price: string
  available: number
  isOnSale: boolean
  creator: string
  data: Data
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number
  reviewedAt: number
  soldAt: number

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: newest, recently_reviewed, recently_sold, name, cheapest.
  • creator: Filter by creator. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: string.
  • rarity: Filter results by Rarity. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: unique, mythic, legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common.
  • isSoldOut: Only return results that are sold out (all NFTs have been minted). Type: boolean.
  • isOnSale: Only return results that can be bought (CollectionStore has been added as minter, and there's still available supply to mint). Type: boolean.
  • search: Free text search. Type: string.
  • isWearableHead: Only return results that their category is wearable and are part of the avatar's head. Type boolean.
  • isWearableAccessory: Only return results that their category is wearable and accessories (not a part of the body).
  • isWearableSmart: Only return smart wearables. Type boolean.
  • wearableCategory: Filter results by WearableCategory. Possible values: eyebrows,eyes,facial_hair,hair,mouth,upper_body,lower_body,feet,earring,eyewear,hat,helmet,mask,tiara,top_head, skin, hands_wear.
  • wearableGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emoteCategory: Filter results by EmoteCategory. Possible values: dance, stunt, greetings, fun, poses, reactions, horror, miscellaneous.
  • emoteGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emotePlayMode: Filter results by EmotePlayMode. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: simple, loop
  • id: Filter results by id. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: contractAddress-itemId.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: address.
  • itemId: Filter results by itemId. Type: string.
  • minPrice: Return only sales with a price higher than this. Type number.
  • maxPrice: Return only sales with a price lower than this. Type number.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.
  • urn: Filter results by URN. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: string.


Endpoint: /v1/catalog


type Item = {
  id: string
  name: string
  contractAddress: string
  thumbnail: string
  url: string
  rarity: Rarity
  category: NFTCategory
  creator: string
  data: Data
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId
  available: number
  isOnSale: boolean
  price: string
  minPrice: string
  minListingPrice: string | null
  maxListingPrice: string | null
  listings: number | null
  owners: number | null

Query Params:

  • limit: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • offset: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: newest, recently_sold, cheapest, most_expensive, recently_listed.
  • sortDirection: Sort direction results. Possible values: asc, desc.
  • creator: Filter by creator. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: string.
  • rarity: Filter results by Rarity. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: unique, mythic, legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common.
  • isSoldOut: Only return results that are sold out (all NFTs have been minted). Type: boolean.
  • isOnSale: Only return results that can be bought (CollectionStore has been added as minter, and there's still available supply to mint). Type: boolean.
  • search: Free text search. Type: string.
  • isWearableHead: Only return results that their category is wearable and are part of the avatar's head. Type boolean.
  • isWearableAccessory: Only return results that their category is wearable and accessories (not a part of the body).
  • isWearableSmart: Only return smart wearables. Type boolean.
  • wearableCategory: Filter results by WearableCategory. Possible values: eyebrows,eyes,facial_hair,hair,mouth,upper_body,lower_body,feet,earring,eyewear,hat,helmet,mask,tiara,top_head, skin, hands_wear.
  • wearableGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emoteCategory: Filter results by EmoteCategory. Possible values: dance, stunt, greetings, fun, poses, reactions, horror, miscellaneous.
  • emotePlayMode: Filter results by EmotePlayMode. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: simple, loop
  • id: Filter results by id. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: contractAddress-itemId.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: address.
  • minPrice: Return only sales with a price higher than this. Type number.
  • maxPrice: Return only sales with a price lower than this. Type number.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.
  • onlyMinting: Only return results that are only available for minting. Type boolean.
  • onlyListing: Only return results that have opened listing and no minting. Type boolean.


Endpoint: /v1/orders


type Order = {
  id: string
  nftId: string
  marketplaceAddress: string
  contractAddress: string
  tokenId: string
  owner: string
  buyer: string | null
  price: string
  status: OrderStatus
  expiresAt: number
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: recently_listed, recently_updated, cheapest.
  • marketplaceAddress: Filter results by marketplace contract address. Type: address.
  • owner: Filter by owner. Type: address.
  • buyer: Filter by buyer. Type: address.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. Type: address.
  • tokenId: Filter results by tokenId. Type: string.
  • status: Filter results by OrderStatus. Possible values: open, sold, cancelled.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/bids


type Bid = {
  id: string
  bidAddress: string
  bidder: string
  seller: string
  price: string
  fingerprint: string
  status: BidStatus
  blockchainId: string
  blockNumber: string
  expiresAt: number
  contractAddress: string
  tokenId: string
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: recently_offered, recently_updated, most_expensive.
  • bidAddress: Filter results by bid contract address. Type: address.
  • bidder: Filter by bidder. Type: address.
  • seller: Filter by seller. Type: address.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. Type: address.
  • tokenId: Filter results by tokenId. Type: string.
  • status: Filter results by BidStatus. Possible values: open, sold, cancelled.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/mints


type Mint = {
  id: string
  creator: string
  beneficiary: string
  minter: string
  itemId: string
  tokenId: string
  issuedId: string
  contractAddress: string
  price: string | null
  timestamp: number
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: recently_minted, most_expensive.
  • creator: Filter by creator. Type: address.
  • beneficiary: Filter by beneficiary. Type: address.
  • minter: Filter by minter. Type: address.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. Type: address.
  • tokenId: Filter results by tokenId. Type: string.
  • itemId: Filter results by itemId. Type: string.
  • issuedId: Filter results by issuedId. Type: string.
  • isSale: Return only mints that came from a sale.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/sales


export type Sale = {
  id: string
  type: SaleType
  buyer: string
  seller: string
  itemId: string | null
  tokenId: string
  contractAddress: string
  price: string
  timestamp: number
  txHash: string
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: recently_sold, most_expensive.
  • type: Filter by sale type. Possible values: order, bid, mint.
  • category: Filter by NFT category. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: parcel, estate, ens, wearable.
  • seller: Filter by seller. Type: address.
  • buyer: Filter by buyer. Type: address.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. Type: address.
  • tokenId: Filter results by tokenId. Type: string.
  • itemId: Filter results by itemId. Type: string.
  • from: Return only sales that happened after this timestamp. Type number.
  • to: Return only sales that happened before this timestamp. Type number.
  • minPrice: Return only sales with a price higher than this. Type number.
  • maxPrice: Return only sales with a price lower than this. Type number.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/accounts


export type Account = {
  id: string
  address: string
  sales: number
  purchases: number
  spent: string
  earned: string
  royalties: string

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: most_sales, most_purchases, most_spent, most_earned, most_royalties.
  • id: Filter by user address. Type: string.
  • address: Currently the same as id, Filter by user address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: string.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/collections


export type Collection = {
  urn: string
  name: string
  creator: string
  contractAddress: string
  isOnSale: boolean
  size: number
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number
  reviewedAt: number
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: newest, name, recently_reviewed, size.
  • name: Filter by the collection name. Type: string.
  • search: Filter collections containing the search value in its name, case insensitive. Type: string.
  • creator: Filter by creator. Type: address.
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. Type: address.
  • isOnSale: Return only collections are currently on sale. Type: boolean.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/contracts


type Contract = {
  name: string
  address: string
  category: NFTCategory
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • skip: Skip results. Type: number.
  • sortBy: Sort results. Possible values: name.
  • category: Filter by NFTCategory. Possible values: parcel, estate, wearable, ens.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.


Endpoint: /v1/analytics/:timeframe


type AnalyticsDayData = {
  id: string
  date: number
  sales: number
  volume: string
  creatorsEarnings: string
  daoEarnings: string

URL Params:

  • timeframe: The timeframe within the analytic data was gather. Possible values: day | week | month | all


Endpoint: /v1/volume/:timeframe


type VolumeData = {
  sales: number
  volume: string
  creatorsEarnings: string
  daoEarnings: string

URL Params:

  • timeframe: The timeframe within the analytic data was gather. Possible values: day | week | month | all


Endpoint: /v1/trendings


type Item = {
  id: string
  name: string
  thumbnail: string
  url: string
  category: NFTCategory
  contractAddress: string
  itemId: string
  rarity: Rarity
  price: string
  available: number
  isOnSale: boolean
  creator: string
  beneficiary: string | null
  createdAt: number
  updatedAt: number
  reviewedAt: number
  soldAt: number
  data: NFT['data']
  network: Network
  chainId: ChainId

Query Params:

  • size: The amount of trending items to return


Endpoint: /v1/rankings/:timeframe


type RankingItem = {
  id: string
  sales: number
  volume: string

URL Params:

  • timeframe: The timeframe within the analytic data was gather. Possible values: day | week | month | all
  • entity: The entity that wants to get ranked. Possible values: items | creators | collectors

Query Params:

  • first: Limit the number of results. Type: number.
  • rarity: Filter the results by the rarity. Possible values: unique, mythic, legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common.
  • category: Filter the results by wearable category. Possible values: eyebrows,eyes,facial_hair,hair,mouth,upper_body,lower_body,feet,earring,eyewear,hat,helmet,mask,tiara,top_head, skin.


Endpoint: /v1/prices


Record<string, number>

Query Params:

  • category: Filter by NFTCategory. Possible values: land, parcel, estate, wearable, emote and ens.
  • assetType: Filter by AssetType. Possible values: item or nft.
  • isWearableHead: Only return results that their category is wearable and are part of the avatar's head. Type boolean.
  • isWearableAccessory: Only return results that their category is wearable and accessories (not a part of the body).
  • isWearableSmart: Only return smart wearables. Type boolean.
  • wearableCategory: Filter results by WearableCategory. Possible values: eyebrows,eyes,facial_hair,hair,mouth,upper_body,lower_body,feet,earring,eyewear,hat,helmet,mask,tiara,top_head, skin, hands_wear.
  • wearableGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emoteCategory: Filter results by EmoteCategory. Possible values: dance, stunt, greetings, fun, poses, reactions, horror, miscellaneous.
  • emoteGender: Filter results by GenderFilterOption. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: male, female, unisex.
  • emotePlayMode: Filter results by EmotePlayMode. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: simple, loop
  • contractAddress: Filter results by contract address. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Type: address.
  • itemRarity: Filter results by Rarity. It supports multiple values by adding the query param multiple times. Possible values: unique, mythic, legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common.
  • network: Filter results by Network. Possible values: ETHEREUM, MATIC.
  • adjacentToRoad: Filter land that is next to a road. Type: boolean
  • minDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of minimun this value. Type: number
  • maxDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of maximun this value. Type number
  • minEstateSize: Filter results by minimum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number
  • maxEstateSize: Filter results by maximum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number


Endpoint: /v1/stats/:category/:stat


Record<string, number>

URL Params:

  • category: The category asking stats about. Possible values: estate.
  • stat: The resource stat asked.
    • Possible values:
      • For resource estate: size

Query Params:

  • isOnSale: Only return results that have an open, non-expired listing. Type: boolean.
  • adjacentToRoad: Filter land that is next to a road. Type: boolean
  • minDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of minimun this value. Type: number
  • maxDistanceToPlaza: Filter land that has a distance to a plaza of maximun this value. Type number
  • minEstateSize: Filter results by minimum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number
  • maxEstateSize: Filter results by maximum amount of parcels in the Estate. Type: number
  • minPrice: Filter results by minimun price. Type: number
  • maxPrice: Filter results by max price. Type: number