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Scripts and methods used to merge 3 Sanger primers into a single 16SrRNA gene-ITS sequence

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This directory summarize the framework used to sequence, check and assemble 16SrRNA-ITS sequences. Different assembly where performed. One for each seqeuncing batch.

Table of content

  1. Description of the data used
  2. Primer list
  3. Assembly strategies
    1. First batch of strains
    2. Second batch of strains
      1. 16S_ITS_1 - only 16S
      2. 16S_ITS_1 - Add ITS
      3. 16S_ITS_2
      4. 16S_ITS_3
  4. Add metadata to defline
  5. Plot strains origins of map
  6. 16SrRNA and ITS phylogenetic tree

Description of the data used

List of the different sequencing invoices

  1. Nolwen's data
  2. December 2014
  3. March 2015
  4. June 2015
  5. July 2015

Note: For each invoice, DeliveryForm and productionSheet are present in a directory documents next to the raw data.

Nolwen's data

I recovered only the sequences provided by Beckman Coulter Genomics, in Fasta format. Eletropherogram are not available for these 96 strains sequenced with A8F and A1492R primers.

PATH to data: data/2014/06-2014_nolwen_leost

December 2014

Few months after the start of my thesis, I first finish 16S sequences produced by Nolwen Leost during her intership (DUT, from April to June 2014). I had sequencing runs produced with primers A8F and A1492R on 96 Thermococcales strains in theory. Due to assembly failure with those 2 runs, I used a new sequencing run with the primer A958R to assemble the full 16S sequence.

PATH to data: data/2014/A958R_09-12-2014/COL14-0X1K

March 2015

This sequencing run dealt with 96 strains and the A71R primer. Strains was the one sequenced by Nolwen (A8F - A1492R) and Damien (A958R)

PATH to data: data/2015/A71R_13-03-2015/COL15-15FG

Note about these data (December 2014 / March 2015)

The majority of strains were sequenced with the 4 primers, but it was not the case for some of them. The table bellow summarize the differences between these 4 sequencing runs

Strain A8F A1492R A958R A71R Remark
AMTc06 sequenced sequenced NA NA Not present in UBOCC
AMTc57 NA NA sequenced sequenced
AMTc70 NA NA sequenced sequenced
AMTc101 sequenced sequenced NA NA
IRI01c sequenced sequenced NA NA
IRI09c NA NA sequenced sequenced
IRI19c sequenced sequenced NA NA
IRI21c NA NA sequenced sequenced
IRI30c sequenced sequenced NA NA
IRI31b NA NA sequenced sequenced

June 2015

Here, after the Amaia's intership (April-June 2015), 219 (2 * 96 + 27) strains were sequenced with A4F, A1492R and A71R primers. The sequencing plates are: * 16S_ITS_1 * 16S_ITS_2 * 16S_ITS_3

Some failure appeared for the A4F and A1492R primers. Many sequences failed with the A71R primer.

PATH to data: data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_?

July 2015

Here, it is the re-sequencing of the runs that failed in June 2016. I did a test on 8 strains with the primer A71R_MOD, present in data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/test-primer-A71R-modifiee

Two primers were modified: A4F by A4F_Thermocc, and A71R by A71R_MOD Number of re-sequencing for each primer and plate:

Plate A4F_Thermocc A1492R A71R_MOD
16S_ITS_1 7 7 88
16S_ITS_2 6 3 96
A6S_ITS_3 - - 25

PATH to data: data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS

Primer list

  • A4F_Thermocc: 5'-TCC GGT TGA TCC TGC CGC-3'
  • A8F: 5'-TCC GGT TGA TCC TGC C-3'
  • A958R: 5'-YCC GGC GTT GAM TCC AAT T-3'
  • A1492R: 5'-GGC TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT T-3'

Assembly strategies

First batch of strains

Here I will present the the assembly of the strains sequenced by Nowlven and the my 2 additionnal sequencing runs.

  1. For each run, we need the files MultiFasta_*.seq.

And copy them in the working directory:

cd assemblies/01_first_batch_of_seq/
cp ../../data/2014/06-2014_nolwen_leost/MultiFasta_140620.seq MultiFasta_A8F.seq
cp ../../data/2014/A958R_09-12-2014/MultiFasta_141211.seq MultiFasta_A958R.seq
cp ../../data/2015/A71R_13-03-2015/MultiFasta_150318.seq MultiFasta_A71R.seq

cp MultiFasta_A8F.seq MultiFasta_A1492R.seq

With a text editor, keep A8F reads in MultiFasta_A8F.seq file and keep A1492R in MultiFasta_A1492R.seq file.

  1. Important, ensure that all strains have the same name.

For example: AMTC-01_A71R_1 vs. AMTC01_A8F_1 vs. AMTC_01_A958R_1. Here I kept the annotation AMTC01_. It is important to use _ between strain and primer IDs.

  1. Recover the name of each strain in the 4 files
for file in Multifasta*
	grep ">" $file >grep.$file
  1. Recover a simplify version of each strain name
for file in grep.Multifasta*
	perl $file

This script will output a symplify version of the defline for each strain in a particular primer file.

Before, in grep.MultiFasta_A8F.seq:

>AMTC01_A8F_1 status=passed nucl=551 crlStart=20 crlStop=551 crlLen=532 order=COL14-0E54
>AMTC02_A8F_2 status=Passed nucl=1237 crlStart=17 crlStop=759 crlLen=743 order=COL14-0E54

After, in simplify.grep.MultiFasta_A8F.seq

  1. Compare the 4 primer files

The aim at this step is to find strains that were sequenced with the 4 primers. If a seqeucing failed for one or more primer, the strain is discarded.

Run the script: perl It read files present in ls simplify.* --> it used to be A1492R, then A71R, then A8F and A958R. Then the script check that a strain is present in the four primer files. Then it read Multifasta_*.seq, extract the "good" reads (= strains with 4 reads), and write then out in MultiFasta_*

Note: In the four files MultiFasta_*, reads are present in the same order.

Note 2: The script had a small bug, that duplicated the AMTC10 sequence.

Note 3: I fixed it in this current version.

  1. Trimm sequences + Reverse complement

RC has to be applied only on A1492R, A958R and A71R reads.

This step is done with a Perl and a Bash script. First, the script take * and trim each sequences between 2 positions. To modify these positions, just do it in the script. The output is a new fasta file with a trimm<upper_threshold> extention. After, the script reverse and completent all reads present in *<upper_threshold>

Note: This step is done with revseq, a tool from the EMBOSS: package.

The output of this tool is new fasta file: trimm<upper_threshold.RC>, with 60 nuccleotides displayed per line.

  1. Group all reads belonging to a strain in a single file

First, create a new directory: mkdir seq_to_align Then run the Perl script perl <upper_threshold> Be carreful to the infile names used within this Perl script.

  1. Read alignment

This section required the file 16S-ITS-thermococcales-publies.txt, present in the working dir. It is a regular Fasta file containing the 16SrRNA-ITS sequences of 10 Thermococcus, extracted from public complete genomes, and the tRNA-Ala from Thermococcus kodakaraensis. (I removed the Thermococcus barophilus sequence.) Here, the tool Muscle v3.8.31 is employed to align reads with the help of the 11 Thermococcus sequences.

To run the script: bash Please CHECK all dirs & files paths before running the script. The script make a copy of the alignement as seq_to_align/<strainID>

  1. Quality check

For this step, the principle is simple:

  • Open the file <strain>.complete.msf in a sequence browser like Seaview.
  • Order sequences in the "descending" order:
    • 16S-ITS from complete genomes
    • then tRNA-Ala
    • then reads
      • A4F
      • A958R
      • A1492R
      • A71R
  • Browse the alignment to resolve conficts in reads overlapping regions
  • To raise a confict, you have to search the position in the electropherogram
  • To open such file on MacOS, I used 4Peaks v1.8.
  • I correct errors directly in the alignment
  • When all errors are resolved, I keep only the 4 reads in the alignment (Select all 16S-ITS + tRNA-Ala ==> Edit/Delete seq.)
  • I Delete all gap-only sites ==> Edit/Del. gap-only sites
  • Then, select the 4 reads and ==> Edit/Concensus sequence
  • I delete the 4 reads, rename the consensus and save the result as Fasta file

Second batch of strains

In this section, I will describe the assembly process employ to reconstruct 16SrRNA-ITS sequences for strains sequenced in June 2015.

Like the primer A71R failed for many strains, I first assembly A4F and A1492R reads together.

First plate: 16S_ITS_1

Assemble 16S

Here, 96 strains are concerned. First move to the correct directory and add directory and data:

cd assemblies/02_second_batch_of_seq/16S_ITS_1/
mkdir 01_16S_only
cp ../../../../data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_1/COL15-1F0J_TRUE_data/MultiFasta_16S_ITS_1-A1492R.fasta .
cp ../../../../data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_1/COL15-1F0J_TRUE_data/MultiFasta_16S_ITS_1-A4F.fasta .
  1. Simplify names

Run the Bash script: bash This script will run the Perl script

  1. Compare the 2 Multifasta files to highlight missing reads

Run the Perl script perl, then check the number of strains present in each file: bash ./ This script copies MultiFasta*.final in MultiFasta*.final.corrected.

  1. Trimming and Reverse Complement

This step is done with 2 Bash/Perl scripts. Simply run bash Modify the trimming threshold directly within the Bash script.

The script output warnings for too short reads and output a logfile: MultiFasta*.final.corrected.trimm<threshold>.log. The logfile points reads whith undetermined nucleotides ( ![ATGCatgc]).

Here, lot of fails for both A4F and A1492R reads...

  1. Merge reads

Run Perl <trimming cutoff> All files will be output in the directory All_fasta_aligned/.

  1. Align reads

This is done with Muscle (same as above). The script concatenate 16S-ITS sequences (11) of complete genomes + tRNA-Ala with the 2 reads for each strain. Then MUSCLE to align these sequences, with the "help" of full 16S-ITS sequences. And the script make a copy of the alignment file: *.fasta.msf in *

Important: Manual check of each alignment to highlight any "N" that can be still present on reads ( = that was not removed with the trimming step).

  1. Quality check

At this step, the "pipeline" differ from what was done in "batch 1 quality check".

This parts involve 3 scripts:


The first is used to runs the 2 Perl scripts. They work as follow: "6-2" take a msffile as input (ex: E14D5.fasta.complete.msf) and output an alignment file in msf format too, but with only the 2 reads A4F and A1492R. The output file has a *.keepprimer extension.

Then the Bash script make a copy of the *.keepprimer in *.keepprimer.corrected.

Then I use the consambig tool from the EMBOSS package. It outputs a file *.keepprimer.consambig.

Then bash script runs the Perl script "6-3...". This Perl script use the *.keepprimer.consambig as input. The output is a fasta file file the consensus sequence *.keepprimer.consambig.fasta and an error file *.keepprimer.consambig.err. This "log" file points beginning & end of the overlapping section (upper case, while non overlapping = lowercase), and also points IUPAC characters different than [ATGCatcg]. !!! Files *.keepprimer.consambig.fasta are wrong fasta

Then run the following lines of code:

mkdir -p All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/All_fasta_finished
mv All_fasta_aligned/*.keepprimer.corrected All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected
cd All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected
ls | cut -d "." -f 1 >liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt
#make sure that this file, liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt has a strain ID in the last line
#tail liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt

Important: manual curation of each alignment, to resolve overlapping errors. Use the electropherograms to currate alignment!!. Do it with SeavieW and 4Peaks. Before closing, Edit/del. gap-only sites, and save it.

  1. Generate the fasta file

First, come back to the "homedir": cd ../... Use the Bash script, that uses the cons tool from the EMBOSS package.

In the script, there is a step with a grep that highlight remaining "N" in the final fasta file. It is important to note in a file strains ID in a text file and remove all file belonging to this strains and keep in a separated directory the file with their reads: All_fasta_aligned/<strainID>.fasta.

Example of script to do it, assuming that strains ID are in the file failed_strains.txt:

#Create the directory
if [ ! -d "All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences" ]; then
	mkdir All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences

#loop over the file with strain ID
while read line
	mv All_fasta_aligned/${line}.fasta All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences
	rm All_fasta_aligned/${line}.fasta.comple*
	rm All_fasta_aligned/All_fasta_finished/${line}.*
	rm All_fasta_aligned/All_fasta_finished/All_fasta_finished/${line}-16S.fasta
  1. Failed strains for 16S alignment:
  • E10P10
  • E10P11
  • E10P13
  • E14D3
  • E14P22
  • E15D17
  • E15D24
Assemble ITS to the 16S

In this section, I will merge 16S sequence and its corresponding ITS. Come back to the root of this project, then cd assemblies/02_second_batch_of_seq/16S_ITS_1/02_16S_ITS.

Sequences of A71R primers comme from June and July 2015: COL15-1HME==> 8 sequences; COL15-1HVS ==> 88 reads. Respectivelly present in data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/test-primer-A71R-modifiee/COL15-1HME (for strains E12D9, E12D10, E12D13, E13P1, E13P2, E13P3, E13P4 and E13P5) and data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS/16S_ITS_1_A71R2 for the 88 other strains.

Concatenate all good reads in MultiFasta_COL15-1HME_AND_COL15-1HVS.seq.


perl MultiFasta_COL15-1HME_AND_COL15-1HVS.seq
cat ../01_16S_only/All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/All_fasta_finished/*-16S.fasta >16S_ITS_1-16Sonly.fasta
mkdir All_fasta_aligned
perl <trimming cutoff> 16S_ITS_1-16Sonly.fasta
mkdir All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected
mv All_fasta_aligned/*.corrected All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/

Then browse all alignment in All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/*.corrected to resolve overlapping conflicts. Use the All_fasta_aligned/*.err as a guide and also eletropherograms. In Seaview, Edit/del. gap-only sites and save the alignment.


cd All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected
ls | cut -d "." -f 1 >liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt
#make sure that this file, liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt has a strain ID in the last line
#tail liste_keepprimer_corrected.txt
cd ../..

Then establish a list of failed strains.

if [ ! -d "All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences" ]; then
	mkdir All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences
#loop over the file with strain ID
while read line
	mv All_fasta_aligned/${line}.fasta All_fasta_aligned/Failed_sequences
	rm All_fasta_aligned/${line}.fasta.comple*
	rm All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/${line}.*
	rm All_fasta_aligned/All_keepprimer_corrected/All_fasta_finished/${line}-*.fasta

For the "failed" runs, do it one by one for each strain.

Failed strains

Concerning failed strains, resequencing were done

Second plate: 16S_ITS_2

Data are present in 5 directories:

  • data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_2/COL15-1F0E/16S_ITS_2_A1492 : A1492R
  • data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS/16S_ITS_2_14922 : A1492R, resequencing of failed strains
  • data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_2/COL15-1F0E/16S_ITS_2_A4F : A4F
  • data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS/16S_ITS_2_A4F2 : A4F_Thermocc, resequencing of failed strains
  • data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS/16S_ITS_2_A71R2 : A71R_MOD

Here the pipeline used is the same as for the first batch of sequences, available here. Scripts are present in cd assemblies/02_second_batch_of_seq/16S_ITS_2. First, cat ../../../<ABOVE-PATHS>/*.seq >MultiFasta-A71R.fasta. Then, bash Then perl ==> here be carrefull of infiles names!, modify lines #83, 113, 129, 160, 172, 204, 228 and 260 within the script. Then trim all reads and reverse-complement *<threshold> reads, with the script By default, the scrip trims positions 0..25 and 800..END. Change thresholds directly within the Bash script.

Then mkdir All_fasta_aligned/, and perl <threshold>. Then last script to launch is bash

Finish with a manual curation of alignments. Eletropherograms are present in the same dir as data (cf some line above for paths). And follow first batch of strains, point 9

Third plate: 16S_ITS_3

Data are present in 3 directories:

  • data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_3/COL15-1F0R/16S_ITS_3_A4F : A4F
  • data/2015/3_primers_23-06-2015_stage_Amaia/16S_ITS_3/COL15-1F0R/16S_ITS_3_A1492 : A1492R
  • data/2015/3_primers_27-07-2015/COL15-1HVS/16S_ITS_3_A71R2 : A71R_MOD, 25 over 27 strains.

Here, for A4F and A1492R, discard reads T-BAROSSII100 and IRI51A. The first because there is another read called T-BAROSSII10 that is exatly the same. They were amplified by PCR from a 1/10 an 1/100 dillution of the DNA matrix. The second, IRI51A failed during PCR amplification.

For assembly, follow same instructions as 16S_ITS_2. The working directory is assemblies/02_second_batch_of_seq/16S_ITS_3. So

cd assemblies/02_second_batch_of_seq/16S_ITS_3`
cp ../16_ITS_2/*.?? .

And let's go!

Add metadata to defline

In this section, I will add metadata about strains within their defline.

All steps will be performed in cd defline/ (from the root of the current repository) From the file UBOCC_v4.xls, I selected fields that look interesting. Here is the list of fields:


I take care of renaming strains properly according to their 16SrRNA-ITS sequence name.

First, concatenate all 16S-ITS sequences from the 2 batchs of strains in a single file in this directory. The name of this file must be souchotheque-16S_ITS.fasta. Then, perl, this script reads two .csv files of metadata and output two files:

  • complete_defline_Thermococale_culture_collection.txt
  • souchotheque-16S_ITS-new-deflines.fasta

In this directory, there is a second Perl script, This script reads the Fasta souchotheque-16S_ITS-new-deflines.fasta, extract GPS coordinates if available, and output a 3-columns table souchotheque_gps_coordinates.csv where GPS coordinates are given in Decimal Degrees (Lat: -90..90; Lon: -180..180). The aim of this file is to be used to plot these positions on a map (using R).

Plot strains origin on map

In this part will be present scripts used to obtain a global overview of the strains geographic origin.

Go to: cd plot_strains_on_map and execute the R script plot_coord_on_map.r. With RStudio it is easier, uncomment the line #print(map) gives you a preview of your work before printing the map in a file.

Phylogenetic tree

In this section, we will build a phylogenetic tree with the concatenation of 16S rRNA and ITS sequences.

From the root of this repository, mkdir phylogenetic_tree && cd phylogenetic_tree.

Then, perl ../defline/souchotheque-16S_ITS-new-deflines.fasta. This scripts takes as input the file with "a lot of" metadata and outputs a fasta file, souchotheque-16S_ITS-new-deflines-ARB-defline.fasta with the following defline: >strain:geographic_location:hydrothermal_site:accession:arb_name. The arb_name is important. It will be use for exporting data/ importing trees in ARB...

Concatenate all sequences that you want to import in ARB, ie., sequences from UBOCC, reference genomes and outgroup. Here the outgroup is composed of 3 sequences of Methanocaldococcus, see in data/outgroup_16S-ITS_tree/ directory.

Then launch ARB arb, CREATE AND IMPORT, select soucho*-ARB-defline.fasta and use 16S-ITS.ift to import data. Before launching ARB, cp 16s-ITS.ift $ARBHOME/lib/import. This step may require a sudo.

Then Tree / NDS and choose what you want to display. Import sequences from published and full genomes. File / Import / From extrnal format, then select ../data/16S-ITS_published_thermococcales.fasta and 16S-ITS.ift. Be carreful, the import format add an extra entry in the database, here * spec376. This weird entry must be removed from the database Species / Delete marked species.

Finish by saving as an ARBdatabase in arb-database.

Export: Export / to an external Format , choose "compress all gaps" and damien3.eft as format. Like the ift, cp damien3.eft $ARBHOME/lib/export/. Export the fasta file in mkdir export_from_arb, as all_seq_16S_ITS_ARB_exported.fasta.

Then, align sequences with SINA and download results (+log file). As parameters, use "Bases not aligned: moved to the end of the alignment" & set the variability profile as "archaea" within the "advanced parameters".

mkdir alignments && cd alignments and move SINA results in this new directory. Make a copy of the alignment, cp arb-silva.de_*.fasta ITS_not_align.fasta. The idea here is to remove the 16S sequences and keep only the sequence corresponding to the ITS. cp ITS_not_align.fasta ITS_align.fasta.

To be continued...

The main ideas: Align 16S rRNA with SINA; cut the ITS from this alignment. ==> with SINA, 'bases remaining unaligned at the ends should be moved to the edge of the alignment; Align ITS with MUSCLE or CLUSTALW; merge both alignments; build the tree with phyml/bayes/nj .

In ARB: First, modify deflines ==> strain_id:origin:site:accession:name(=ARB id)

Ex: E10P12:Mid-atlantic-ridge:Menez-Gwen:NA:spec100.

See '16S-ITS.ift' to import in ARB and 'damien3.eft' to export them with only the ARB id (aka 'name').


Scripts and methods used to merge 3 Sanger primers into a single 16SrRNA gene-ITS sequence






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