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Composable helpers for building and decoding blockchain transactions


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Composable helpers for building and decoding blockchain transactions

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This package contains composable helpers for building and decoding a blockchain transaction and implements an example of bitcoin transaction builder and decoder.

It can be useful for blockchain projects forked from BitcoinCore that want to add custom data to a transaction.

For decoding a transaction the composable helpers expect a buffer and return a pair (array of two elements) of a result and a buffer left.

Compared to bitcoinjs-lib which implements decoding in an imperative style where every helper uses buffer of the outer scope and mutates outer offset. Thus its helpers cannot be reused for a different transaction structure.


npm install tx-builder


For more examples see section Examples

const Buffer = require("safe-buffer").Buffer
const { readInt32, readUInt32 } = require("tx-builder/src/buffer-read")
const { compose, addProp } = require("tx-builder/src/compose-read")
const { readInputs, readInput, readOutput } = require("tx-builder/src/tx-decoder")

const decodeTx = buffer =>
    addProp('version', readInt32),            // 4 bytes
    addProp('vin', readInputs(readInput)),    // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Input counter; Variable, Inputs
    addProp('vout', readInputs(readOutput)),  // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Output counter; Variable, Outputs
    addProp('locktime', readUInt32)           // 4 bytes
  ])({}, buffer)


All buffer helpers assume Little Endian.

The package exports two objects: decoder and buider. Each of them contains bufferHelpers, composeHelpers and high-level helpers (e.g. decodeTx and buildTx). Main export also contains hashFromBuffer and signBuffer functions.

const { decoder, builder, hashFromBuffer, signBuffer } = require("tx-builder")


  • Buffer helpers. Each helper returns a value that contains a pair (array of two values) - a result and a buffer left after reading.
    • readInt32 :: Buffer -> (Number, Buffer) Reads 32-bit integer.
    • readUInt32 :: Buffer -> (Number, Buffer) Reads 32-bit unsigned integer.
    • readUInt64 :: Buffer -> (Number, Buffer) Reads 64-bit unsigned integer.
    • readVarInt :: Buffer -> (Number, Buffer) Reads variable length integer.
    • readSlice :: Number -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) Reads the given number of bytes from the buffer.
    • readVarSlice :: Buffer -> (ResBuffer, Buffer) Reads variable length slice.
  • Composition helpers. Each helper returns a pair - updated state and a leftover buffer.
    • compose :: [Fn] -> State -> Buffer -> [State, Buffer] Composes the given array of functions.
    • addProp :: PropName -> Fn -> (State -> Buffer -> [State, Buffer]) Adds given property to the state object.
  • High-level helpers. Each helper returns a pair - a result and a leftover buffer.
    • decodeTx :: Buffer -> (Object, Buffer) Reads a buffer of a whole transaction.
    • readHash :: Buffer -> (String, Buffer) Reads buffer that contains a transaction hash (TXID).
    • readInputs :: Fn -> Buffer -> (Res, Buffer) Applies the given function to array of items. To read transaction inputs (VIN) or outputs (VOUT).
    • readInput :: Buffer -> (Res, Buffer) Reads a buffer that contains transaction input (VIN)
    • readOutput :: Buffer -> (Res, Buffer) Reads a buffer that contains transaction output (VOUT)
    • getTxId :: Buffer -> String Given transaction buffer calculates transaction hash (TXID).
const decoder = require('tx-builder').decoder           // Main `decoder` container.
const { decodeTx, readHash, getTxId } = decoder         // High-level methods.
const { readInt32, readVarInt, readVarSlice } = decoder // Buffer helpers.
const { compose as composeDecoder, addProp } = decoder  // Composition helpers.


  • Buffer helpers.
    • bufferUInt8 :: Int -> Buffer Creates a buffer that contains the given 8-bit unsigned integer.
    • bufferInt32 :: Int -> Buffer
    • bufferInt32 :: Int -> Buffer
    • bufferUInt64 :: Int -> Buffer
    • bufferVarInt :: Int -> Buffer Creates a buffer that contains a variable length integer.
    • bufferVarSlice :: Encoding -> String -> Buffer Creates a buffer that contains a variable length string of the given encoding.
    • bufferVarSliceBuffer :: Buffer -> Buffer Creates a variable length buffer with from the given buffer value.
    • mapConcatBuffers :: Fn -> Array -> Buffer Maps function to array elements and concats results into a buffer.
  • Composition helpers.
    • compose :: [Fn] -> Tx -> Buffer -> Buffer
    • prop :: String -> Fn -> (Obj -> Buffer)
    • addProp :: String -> Fn -> Obj -> Buffer
  • High-level helpers. See test/tx-build.test.js for examples of usage. Some of this helpers can be reused for a specific blockchain implementation. E.g. see package tx-builder-equibit for Equibit Securities Platform implementation.
    • buildTx :: Tx -> Buffer Main function to build a bitcoin transaction. Returns an instance of Buffer.
    • buildTxCopy,
    • txCopyForHash,
    • txCopySubscript,
    • bufferInputs,
    • bufferInput,
    • bufferOutput :: Object -> Buffer Returns a buffer that contains transaction VOUT (value, scriptPubKey).
    • bufferHash :: HexString -> Buffer Returns a buffer that contains transaction hex (note: because of Little Endian txid in buffer is reversed).
    • vinScript,
    • voutScript :: NetworkConfig -> Address -> ScriptHex Given a bitcoin address creates a VOUT script.
    • bufferInputEmptyScript,
    • mapConcatBuffers,
    • makeBufferInput,
    • makeBuildTxCopy
const builder = require('tx-builder').builder        // Main `builder` container.
const { buildTx, vinScript } = builder               // High-level helpers.
const { bufferUInt8, bufferVarInt, mapConcatBuffers } = builder   // Buffer helpers.
const { compose, prop, addProp } = builder                        // Composition helpers.

Hash and Signature

  • hashFromBuffer :: Buffer -> String Given a buffer calculates hash. E.g. transaction id is a hash.
  • signBuffer :: keyPair -> MessageBuffer -> SignatureBuffer Given a buffer calculates its hash and signs it.
  • pow :: Number -> (Buffer, Number, Number) -> NonceNumber Given a difficulty and a Buffer finds a nonce number (Proof of Work).
const { hashFromBuffer, signBuffer, pow } = require("tx-builder")


If you are not familiar with how to decode a transaction in general checkout tests/manual-decode.js. It has a step-by-step imperative-style example.

Also, feel free to checkout tests for precise examples of how to use the package helpers.

To convert a hex string into buffer:

const hexString = "0f015a"
const buffer = Buffer.from(hexString, "hex")

To convert a buffer into a hex string:

const hexString = buffer.toString("hex")

Decoding a transaction

Here is how Bitcoin transaction decoder is implemented:

const Buffer = require("safe-buffer").Buffer
const { readInt32, readUInt32 } = require("tx-builder/src/buffer-read")
const { compose, addProp } = require("tx-builder/src/compose-read")
const { readInputs, readInput, readOutput } = require("tx-builder/src/tx-decoder")

// Create a buffer from a transaction hex:
const txHex = "0100000001545f6161d2be3bdfe71..."   // see `test/fixtures/tx-hex-decoded.js` for a full tx example
const buffer = Buffer.from(txHex, 'hex')

// decodeTx :: Buffer -> [Object<version,vin,vout,locktime>, BufferLeft]
const decodeTx = buffer =>
    addProp('version', readInt32),            // 4 bytes
    addProp('vin', readInputs(readInput)),    // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Input counter; Variable, Inputs
    addProp('vout', readInputs(readOutput)),  // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Output counter; Variable, Outputs
    addProp('locktime', readUInt32)           // 4 bytes
  ])({}, buffer)

console.log( decodeTx( buffer ) )
// > [{version: 1, vin: [...], vout: [...]}, <Buffer >]

Here is how readInput is defined in the same composable manner:

const { readSlice, readVarSlice, readUInt32 } = require("tx-builder/src/buffer-read")
const { compose, addProp } = require("tx-builder/src/compose-read")

// readInput :: Buffer -> [Res, Buffer]
const readInput = buffer =>
    addProp('hash', readSlice(32)),           // 32 bytes, Transaction Hash
    addProp('index', readUInt32),             // 4 bytes, Output Index
    addProp('script', readVarSlice),          // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Unlocking-Script Size; Variable, Unlocking-Script
    addProp('sequence', readUInt32)           // 4 bytes, Sequence Number
  ])({}, buffer)

Building a transaction

Here is how Bitcoin transaction builder is implemented (see src/tx-builder.js for a full example):

const Buffer = require("safe-buffer").Buffer
const { bufferInt32, bufferUInt32 } = require("tx-builder/src/buffer-build")
const { compose, prop } = require("tx-builder/src/compose-build")
const { bufferInputs, bufferInput, bufferOutput } = require("tx-builder/src/tx-builder")

// Given a transaction JSON:
// (see `test/fixture.js` for a full tx example)
const tx = {
  version: 1,
  locktime: 0,
  vin: [{
      hash: '2d7a9f0534ddac231ef1978bda388791c32321f7e14e18e7df3bbed261615f54',
      index: 1,
      script: '4830450221008c33d...',
      sequence: '4294967295'
  vout: [{
    value: 100000000,
    script: '76a91461ca8116d03694952a3ad252d53c695da7d95f6188ac'
  }, { ... }]

// buildTx :: Tx -> Buffer
const buildTx = tx =>
    prop('version', bufferInt32),              // 4 bytes
    prop('vin', bufferInputs(bufferInput)),    // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Input counter; Variable, Inputs
    prop('vout', bufferInputs(bufferOutput)),  // 1-9 bytes (VarInt), Output counter; Variable, Outputs
    prop('locktime', bufferUInt32)             // 4 bytes
  ])(tx, EMPTY_BUFFER)

console.log( buildTx( tx ).toString( 'hex' ) )
// > "0100000001545f6161d2be3bdfe7184ee1f7..."

Coinbase transaction

According to spec a coinbase transaction should contain one input that has a 32-byte null transaction id and 0xffffffff index (since there is no previous output), and a script that is of a variable lenge and contains block height (BIP34) and some arbitrary data (aka extranonce that contributes to enlarge the domain for the proof of work function).

A coinbase transaction builder can be made as:

// buildCoinbaseTx :: Object => Buffer
const buildCoinbaseTx = tx =>
    prop('version', bufferInt32),                   // 4 bytes, version
    prop('vin', mapConcatBuffers(coinbaseInput)),   // <<<< COINBASE INPUT
    prop('vout', mapConcatBuffers(bufferOutput)),   // 1-9 bytes, vout
    prop('locktime', bufferUInt32)                  // 4 bytes, locktime
  ])(tx, EMPTY_BUFFER)

// coinbaseInput :: Object<blockHeight> => Buffer
const coinbaseInput = (vin) =>
    () => Buffer.from('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex'),  // 32 bytes, txid
    () => Buffer.from('ffffffff', 'hex'),   // 4 bytes, vout
    prop('blockHeight', coinbaseScript),    // <<<< COINBASE SCRIPT, contains block height and arbitrary data
    () => bufferUInt32(4294967295)          // 4 bytes, sequence number
  ])(vin, EMPTY_BUFFER)

// coinbaseScript :: Integer => Buffer
const coinbaseScript = blockHeight => {
  const blockHeightBuffer = bufferVarInt(blockHeight)
  const arbitraryData = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10)
  const bVarInt = bufferVarInt(blockHeightBuffer.length + arbitraryData.length)
  return Buffer.concat([bVarInt, blockHeightBuffer, arbitraryData])

To run the coinbase builder we can feed is with transaction object like this:

// Import the implemented builder (a part of `tx-builder` export):
const { buildCoinbaseTx } = require("tx-builder/src/tx-builder")

const tx = {
  version: 1,
  locktime: 0,
  vin: [{
    blockHeight: 40500
  vout: [{
    value: 12.5 + 0.02 * 100000000,         // <<<<
    address: "mricWicq8AV5d46cYWPApESirBXcB42h57"

const coinbaseTx = buildCoinbaseTx(tx)
console.log(`coinbaseTx hex = ${conbaseTx.toString("hex")}`)


  • full docs
  • broserify-ied build
  • an example of other than Bitcoin-specific implementation
  • parallelize pow with Web Workers

Release Notes:

  • 0.8.0 Added bufferVarSliceBuffer to create a variable length buffer from a buffer.
  • 0.7.4 Added pow (Proof of Work) method for finding a nonce value, main export.
  • 0.7.3 Added signBuffer method, main export.
  • 0.7.2 Validation: check 1st argument of the 2 argument curried bufferVarSlice on time.
  • 0.7.1 Added hashFromBuffer to the main export.
  • 0.7.0 Restructured main index. Added a build.
  • 0.6.4 Added example of how to create a coinbase transaction.
  • 0.6.0 Added network argument to voutScript. Added API docs.
  • 0.5.0 Renamed input fields:
    • vin.hash to vin.txid
    • vin.index to vin.out
  • 0.4.5 Made bufferInput and buildTxCopy implementation specific.
  • 0.4.3 Sign multiple VINs.
  • 0.4.1
    • bufferVarSlice accept encoding param;
    • clone tx config when creating a copy.
  • 0.4.0 Build tx input scripts.
  • 0.3.0 Added transaction builder
  • 0.2.0 Added readHash helper
    • Reverse the hash (tx id) after its read from hex.
  • 0.1.2 Initial version
    • buffer utils, compose helpers, bitcoin tx decode example.


Composable helpers for building and decoding blockchain transactions







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