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allentiak edited this page Oct 10, 2014 · 5 revisions

The full setup requires:

  • Eclipse
  • JDK 7+
  • Maven 3

Additionnaly, Eclipse requires:

  • Scala support
  • Git support

Note: Maven support within Eclipse is discouraged (read below)

On Maven support within Eclipse: There is a Maven integration plugin for Eclipse (M2E), but its use is discouraged: there are [conflicts between M2E and canonical Maven] ( that seem unlikely to be fixed, even though there is a workaround for it. In any case, it is possible to generate the Eclipse configuration files with vanilla Maven ("mvn eclipse:eclipse"). If your Eclipse installation has Maven support, you may disable the Maven nature of the project.

You can use either:

Minimal Eclipse installation

Go to Select the Eclipse version you want to use.

Download only the following:

*Platform Runtime Binary (a minimal Eclipse distribution)

*JDT Runtime Binary (to support Java -and thus, Scala- as a developing language)

  1. Extract the Platform Runtime Library (this will generate an "eclipse" folder)

  2. Start Eclipse from "eclipse/eclipse"

  3. Install the JDT Runtime Binary from within Eclipse:

Start Eclipse >> Help >> Install >> add New Update Site >> Archive... >> (select the ZIP file).

Deactivate “Contact all update sites”!!! Otherwise installation takes forever. Deactivate “group items”, otherwise Eclipse won’t list any items in the archive.

  1. Install [the Scala IDE] (