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simple store intro

David Rundle edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the simple store, this is a small project to demonstrate monitoring across a distributed architecture (for now)

  • slides
  • Docker images - please note the lastest known working versions of each container is specified in the deployments.yaml

The solution looks at using:

  • Rancher / Graphana - Dashbaords
  • Istio (Envoy) / Prometheus - to provide metrics
  • Kiali - Topology, note Kiali can use data from Prometheus and Jaeger
  • Jaeger - Tracing (via OpenTracing)
  • Datadog - Logging (note this can be used for all)

an alternative for Metrics, Topology, Tracing and Dashboards look at Apache Skywalking.

an alternative service mesh consider, or


  • core - shared .net application/framework code (setup of logging, messagebus, database, monitoring etc)
  • apigateway - implementation of the api gateway using Ocelot (its mainly configuration)
  • basket - users store items in the basket, the basket can be created and checkedout. Uses redis as a quick temporary store.
  • catalog - items which the shop offer, images are stored on disk and the metadata is in a prosgres database.
  • ordering - contains all the orders, these are created from the basket being checked out and are set in the ready state once the stock as been reserved.
  • warehouse - contains the stock information, i.e. quantity, when a basket is checked out this will reserve stock and when the order is completed, the stock will be removed.
  • infra - setup of the cluster (k8s and terraform)

stateful services

at the moment all services are inside a container, consider using a PaaS instance instead.

  • Redis - used for a fast data cache
  • RabbitMq - the message bus between services
  • PostgreSql - is being used as a document database (JsonB fields) this is fully supported by Marten.

Repo structure

service repos have:

  • src - all the source files
  • .circleci - Circle CI build scripts
  • k8s - kubernetes deployment files - not using helm atm.

Design issues

as this is a demo for monitoring there are some design issues which have been skipped:

  • REST model - the anemic domain model is stored in the db and exposed directly to over the web api - look at ports and adaptors to solve this.
  • Domain model - it's anemic, this maybe ok for you, consider DDD or Transcript
  • Eventing without transactions - all events are happening within a DB transaction, meaning that if the transaction fails the event has already been published - consider Event filters and the CAP (dotnet opensource project with regards to events), NServiceBus or AllAboard
  • Dead letter queue - we have a retry policy, however look into how to handle messages which cannot be processed.
  • API Versioning - this is a quick impl, all API (HTTP and AMQP) need to be versioned
  • Security - there is none - consider OpenId Connect, and integrate with the api gateway
  • HELM Charts - consider using them, and set the deployment to be rolling
  • Secrets - currently stored in config files, consider Hashi Corp Vault
  • Concurrency - consider version number on models (Optimistic).
  • dotnet core ioc registrations - in .NET Core we can register services, the core project is a quick impl of this, consider neatening it up.
  • Application Framework Packages - Core is 1 package, consider separating this into multiple, 1 for each concern, as at the moment your service will have a dependency on packages it does not use.
  • Interfaces - the code uses direct dependencies, this debatable, even more so with micro-services (i can see the point both ways)
  • Automated testing - any good automated testing framework should work, consider contract testing minimum, as it acts as documentation.

These are a few things we would normally need to consider for the production version.

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