PySyncIt is a simple tool to keep folders in sync between machines connected on a network. The main purpose of writing this application is to keep my two laptops in sync. Currently, it supports any number of clients and all of them will be kept in sync. At the core of this application, all files are transferred over the network using 'scp'.
The focus of application's design has been to cover this basic use-case and cover it well. I have tried to take care of the corner issues that could arise. Some useful features are implemented in this application. For example, you can specify any number of folders to sync.
At this point, this application has many limitations. But, due to the design of this application, I believe it shouldn't require much effort to get rid of these limitations.
- No versioning: In case of collision, only the latest file will be kept.
- Only files(and not subfolders) inside this specified folder will be synced
PySyncIt is written only for Linux (tested for Ubuntu).
All you need is python installed on your system and you are ready to go. However, there may be some python modules that you need to install.
External Python Modules:
to-install: sudo apt-get install python-pyinotify
As 'scp' is used to transfer files between server and client, every file transfer will require authentication.
To escape entering password on each time, it's a good idea to generate your public ssh keys and the application will take care of everything.
If you have a file with extension .pub
in ~/.ssh
directory, you don't need to do anything.
Otherwise, generate a new SSH key.
For further details:
- git clone
git clone [email protected]:db42/PySyncIt
Choose machine to act as server and client machines to sync
On each client/server machine
- Setting up configuration file - syncit.cfg. Sample configurations have been provided to set various parameters (username, ip address and port) of server and client machines.
- execute
python -ip <local ip address> -port <port number> -uname <user name> -role <client or server>
python -ip -port 8082 -uname dushyant -role client
python -ip -port 8081 -uname db42 -role server
The application works on simple client/server design concept. Different machines that are to be kept in sync will behave as clients and, either one of them or a completely different machine will play the role of a server. Clients never interact with each directly; every communication is between server and a client.
The overall working of this application can be divided into two parts:
Finding modified files: Each client runs a separate thread to keep track of all the files that get modified or created.
Syncing those files: A separate thread pushes those modifed files to the server using 'scp'.
- Receives modified files from a client and ask other clients to pull that file.
syncit.cfg: Configuration file.
- contains the base class for Server and Client. and contains Server and Client classes which extend the base class.
- helper class for rpc functions.
- Implements persistent data structure using pickle.
- Main executable file
Feel free to test, fork and give suggestions. (Note: please do not use important files/directories to experiment with this application.)