A minimal Docker image with sshd and nginx service. The following packages are included:
- nginx
- openssh
- bash
- dumb-init
- python3
- tcpdump
- socat
- nfs-utils
- tzdata
- curl
- git
- jq
- yq
- AWS cli
This image is ONLY intended for non-prod use.
For security reasons, the sshd is configured to allow only publickey access. You will need to place your own public key file id_rsa.pub
in the folder. If the private key is compromised, the container must be stopped immediately to prevent from unauthorized access.
- Add a script that gracefully export env variables from PID 1 to the shell
- Re-write Dockerfile using multistage-build. https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/