Python code for Raspberry Pi + BME680 to update the cloud service WeatherUnderground.
This code is a fork of
Version 2
Collect data from all the sensors, calculate and send the average of each over a period to prevent variation/noise in the acquisition.
Optionally, a second counter, multiple of the first counter, can execute an additional task.
The credentials are not hard-coded, but Linux environment variables.
Clone this repo and execute the installation script of BME680 module:
git clone
cd rpi-bme680-wu
sudo ./
Add your WU credentials as environment variables in file /etc/environment
Then, create service:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rpi-bme680-wu.service
Add the following content replacing the path accordingly:
Enable to load the script during the boot and start the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rpi-bme680-wu.service
sudo systemctl start rpi-bme680-wu.service
Ideally, this code runs as a service managed by the systemd
, which will restart if it crashes, and load on boot.
Additional commands for managing this service are:
sudo systemctl status rpi-bme680-wu.service
sudo systemctl stop rpi-bme680-wu.service
This code converts the acquired unities to meet the WU requirements.
The dew point is calculated from temperature and humidity.
The air quality index is not supported by WU.
- winddir - 0-360 instantaneous wind direction
- windspeedmph - mph instantaneous wind speed
- windgustmph - mph current wind gust, using software specific time period
- windgustdir - 0-360 using software specific time period
- windspdmph_avg2m - mph 2 minute average wind speed mph
- winddir_avg2m - 0-360 2 minute average wind direction
- windgustmph_10m - mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph
- windgustdir_10m - 0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction
- humidity - % outdoor humidity 0-100%
- dewptf - F outdoor dewpoint F
- tempf - F outdoor temperature
- for extra outdoor sensors use temp2f, temp3f, and so on
- rainin - rain inches over the past hour) -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min
- dailyrainin - rain inches so far today in local time
- baromin - barometric pressure inches
- weather - text -- metar style (+RA)
- clouds - text -- SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC
- soiltempf - F soil temperature
- for sensors 2,3,4 use soiltemp2f, soiltemp3f, and soiltemp4f
- soilmoisture - %
- for sensors 2,3,4 use soilmoisture2, soilmoisture3, and soilmoisture4
- leafwetness - %
- for sensor 2 use leafwetness2
- solarradiation - W/m^2
- UV - index
- visibility - nm visibility
- indoortempf - F indoor temperature F
- indoorhumidity - % indoor humidity 0-100