The goal of this project is to collect some ETSdiff test whatever the programing language; from the simple coding rules to more complicated optimisation transfert.
Warn: this is a very beta stage and subject to a lot of changes
Acutaly only for ecocode rules
* (local copie repository)
|-- (description of rules code)
`-- $(language) (ie: php)
|-- $(ruleid) (rule code ie: s74)
| |-- ets.yml (ETSdiff configuration file to run the test
| |-- docker-compose.yml (service to run the test)
| `-- app (directory to store tests)
| |-- compilant.tst (compilant test access ie: compilant.php)
| `-- non-compilant.tst (non-compilant test access ie: non-compilant.php)
`-- (... another rule, etc.)
We use docker & docker-compose so you need to install it
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt install docker-compose
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo apt install mysql-client
if you want to access db from host
We use OpenDataBDD project that provide bdd docker instances.
- You need to link this project at the root level of this one:
- ln -s ../$(where-opendatabdd-cloned) opendatabdd
To run one test you need ETSdiff
IMPORTANT before you be able to run etsdiff you need to create bdd variants config file ie:
cd php/s72
This work is licensed under multiple licences. Because keeping this section up-to-date is challenging, here is a brief summary:
- All original source code is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.
- All documentation is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0.
- Some configuration and data files are licensed under CC0-1.0.
For more accurate information, check the individual files.