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.env File Documentation

davidliaos edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 1 revision

This file contains environment variables needed for the Python script to interact with Reddit's API and other functionalities. Below you will find a description of each variable and how to obtain or set them.


REDDIT_CLIENT_ID: This is the identifier for your Reddit Application. After creating your application on Reddit, you will see this value below the name of your application. This is usually a series of alphanumeric characters.

REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET: This is the secret key for your Reddit Application. It should be clearly labeled on the page where you created your application on Reddit. It is crucial to keep this value secure and not share it with others.

REDDIT_PASSWORD: This is the password for the Reddit account associated with your Reddit Application.

REDDIT_USER_AGENT: This is a string that helps the Reddit API identify your application. It does not matter what you set this value to, but it is recommended to give it a meaningful name for easier identification.

REDDIT_USERNAME: This is the username of the Reddit account associated with your Reddit Application.

SUBREDDIT_NAME: This is the name of the subreddit where the script will operate.

POST_LIMIT: This is the maximum number of posts that the script will process in a single run. You should set this value to be between 10 and 50.

TIME_FILTER: This value determines the timeframe for the posts that the script will process. It is used in conjunction with PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper). Possible values are 'day', 'week', 'month', or 'year'.

SESSION_ID: This is the session ID from TikTok. You can find it by inspecting the elements on a page in TikTok where a session is active.

FOLDER_ID: This is a variable for Google Drive Saving,

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