I love open source ❤️ I’m a software engineer living in Italy. I have spent most of the my career (10 years) leading Android development for startups. I love work with extremely talented people and collaborate to make products that would make an immediate impact. I have excellent work ethics and I enjoy solving difficult challenges and learning from them. I consider myself a very social individual, creative, open-minded and with a great desire to learn.
I enjoy making Android and Mac apps and share with others. Consider leaving a nice review, or a star in my repository.
My dream is to become a full-time open-source developer, create lots of free applications, release source code for free and help others become excellent software craftsmen.
Thank you for your support! 🙌
- Android SDK
- Kotlin, Coroutines, Koin, Dagger/Hilt, Retrofit, Room
- Jetpack Compose
- Jeptack Navigation
- MVVM + Clean Architecture
- Firebase
- Dart
- Flutter
Tintracker | Randa | Blurry |