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Replication package for the paper "Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: Practices and Needs in Industry".

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Replication package

for the paper Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering – A Systematic Survey of Practices and Needs in Industry.



This paper reports on a mixed-method survey on the practices and needs concerning Collaborative MDSE in industry. First, we carried out a qualitative survey in two focus group sessions, interviewing seven industry experts. Second, based on the results of the interviews, we have constructed a questionnaire and carried out a questionnaire survey with 41 industry expert participants.


This repository contains data sets, analysis scripts, raw results, and transcripts of the focus group discussions.


  • /01_transcripts – Anonymized transcripts of the focus group sessions.

Classification framework

  • /02_classification_framework – Classification framework and definitions of terms.


  • /03_questionnaire
    • Questionnaire.pdf – The questionnaire used in the online survey.
    • Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering – An Overview.pdf – The overview the participants were provided with.


  • /04_data – Raw data and data preparation scripts.
    • /questionnaire – Raw data in .xlsx with the sensitive information removed.
    • /studies – Data collected from the replication packages of the systematic mapping studies [1] and [2].
      • /01_original_2016.xlsx – Original data from [1].
      • /02_extension_to_orignial_2021.xlsx – Extension to 01_original_2016.xlsx collected in [2].
      • /03_update_2021.xlsx – Original data from [2] augmenting the classification framework of [1] with new categories.
      • /04_extension_to_original_2022.xlsx – Extracted data for the current study. These categories were introduced in [2] but were not extracted for [1] retrospectively.
    • – Removes sensitive information from questionnaire/questionnaire_data_raw.xlsx and saves the clean data in questionnaire/questionnaire_data.xlsx. (The questionnaire/questionnaire_data_raw.xlsx file is removed from the final public package.)
    • – Pre-processes questionnaire data for the analysis of demographics (and outputs demographics_data.csv) and for the analysis of the RQs (and outputs questionnaire_data.csv). Consolidates data from the studies (and outputs studies/studies_data.xlsx). Pre-processes consolidated studies data for RQ4 (and outputs studies_data.csv).
    • demographics_data.csv – Data file containing the demographics of participants.
    • questionnaire_data.csv – Data file containing pre-processed and cleaned questionnaire data.
    • studies_data.csv – Data file containing data about academic output.

Analysis scripts

  • /05_analysis – Analysis scripts.
    • – Charts of some demographic and descriptive statistics of the participants, their companies, the tools used, model sizes, etc.
    • – Generates LaTeX tables used in the paper. The /template folder contains the LaTeX template.
    • 03_analysis_RQs.R – .R script for analyzing the RQs. Produces Likert plots, need-adoption matrices, and Excel reports into folder /06_output.


Upon running the analysis scripts, the following directory structure is produced. (New runs of the script will remove the previously generated folders.)

  • /06_output
    • /aggregated – Aggregated descriptive statistics of the three dimensions.
      • /xlsx/Aggregated.xlsx – Adoption and needs aggregated over every feature group, in an Excel table for allowing further inspection and exploration.
      • /xlsx/Studies.xlsx – Publication output and needs aggregated over every feature group, in an Excel table for allowing further inspection and exploration.
    • /demographics – Demographic statistics of the participants, their companies, the tools used, model sizes, etc.
    • /likert – Likert charts in PDF files with the adoption-need pairs of feature groups charted next to each other.
    • /likert-annotated – Likert charts annotated with feature labels.
    • /tables – LaTeX tables used in the paper.


Install Python requirements before running the scripts by running pip install -r requirements.txt from the root folder.

  • Reproduction of the analyses: reproduces the analysis results in /04_results, including charts and numeric results. The scripts use the prepared data contained in the /01_data/prepared folder.
  • Reproduction of the prepared data: reproduces the prepared data in /01_data/prepared by (i) merging author, transaction and file length metadata into the clone data; and (ii), pre-processing data for analysis and persisting the pre-processed data into pickle files. Some of the pre-processing steps are potentially time-consuming. In such cases, the approximate execution times are reported in the source file.

NOTE: The following steps have been tested with python>=3.7 && python<3.10 and R version 4.2.2.

Reproduction of the analyses

Follow the steps below to reproduce the analysis results in /06_results.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the root folder.
  3. Run python in the /05_analysis folder to obtain demographics results.
  4. Run python in the /05_analysis folder to obtain LaTeX tables reporting on results.
  5. Run 03_analysis_RQs.R (e.g., from R Studio) in the /05_analysis folder to obtain the Likert charts and the aggregated results in Excel sheets under /aggregated.

Reproduction of the prepared data

Follow the steps below to reproduce the prepared data in /04_data.

  1. Run python in the /04_data folder to obtain the following data files:
    1. demographics_data.csv – demographics data for later analysis.
    2. questionnaire_data.csv – questionnaire data for RQs 1–3.
    3. studies_data.xlsx – consolidated studies data for RQ4.


[1] Franzago, M., Ruscio, D. D., Malavolta, I., & Muccini, H. (2018). Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Classification Framework and a Research Map. In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (Vol. 44, Issue 12, pp. 1146–1175). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

[2] David, I., Aslam, K., Faridmoayer, S., Malavolta, I., Syriani, E., & Lago, P. (2021). Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic Update. In 2021 ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). 2021 ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). IEEE.


Replication package for the paper "Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: Practices and Needs in Industry".






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