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A new shift in running programs with shareable URLs


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A new shift in running programs with shareable URLs.

Hello, world! example


Nushift attempts to be an alternative to the web that has the accessibility and shareability of web URLs, but uses different technologies to the web. Apps (or pages) are RISC-V programs, that interact with a syscall ABI defined by us.

The Nushift hypervisor is focused on being small and having a strict API. Visual layout is entirely done by apps themselves, while communicating what is being done through the accessibility tree API.


SHM is the main method of communication between apps and the hypervisor. While it stands for "shared memory", this is mainly to distinguish it from IPC, and the ability to share it is limited.

A region of memory is a cap (capability), and this is distinguished from the address it may be mapped into. An SHM cap can only be mapped into one logical thread of execution at a time. To communicate with the hypervisor, an SHM cap is unmapped from the app and mapped into the hypervisor, while the hypervisor is working on it.

64-bit versus 32-bit

Currently, RV64IMAC is supported. Support for more extensions will almost certainly be added. The hypervisor API expects 64-bit values, and this is likely to remain the case when 32-bit apps are supported. 64-bit values, for the purposes of the hypervisor API, should be encoded into one or multiple 32-bit registers by 32-bit apps.

Hypervisor ABI

The syscall number is passed in a0.

The (optional) first, second, third and fourth arguments are passed in a1, a2, a3, a4.

The ecall instruction is used to issue the call.

Successful return values are returned in a0.

If an error occurs, a0 is set to u64::MAX, and the error code is returned in t0.


ShmType (enum)

FourKiB = 0,
TwoMiB = 1,
OneGiB = 2.

These correspond to the page and superpage sizes available in the Sv39 scheme described in the RISC-V privileged specification. Apps, furthermore, currently have access to the Sv39 scheme (39-bit virtual addressing giving a total of 512 GiB virtual space, and 56-bit physical addressing). Support for Sv48 and Sv57, and their associated superpage sizes, may be added in the future.


Arguments: type (ShmType), length (u64).
Returns: shm_cap_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, ShmUnknownShmType, ShmInvalidLength, ShmCapacityNotAvailable

Creates a new SHM cap. The size (in bytes) of the backing memory of the cap is the page size (in bytes) represented by the ShmType provided multiplied by the length provided. For example, ShmType::FourKiB and a length of 1 produces a cap that logically holds one 4 KiB page, and has a total backing memory size of 4096 bytes.

length must be greater than 0.

On current commodity operating systems, mmap is used to reserve the memory when you call ShmNew.


Arguments: shm_cap_id (u64), address (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: InternalError, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied, ShmCapCurrentlyAcquired, ShmAddressOutOfBounds, ShmAddressNotAligned, ShmOverlapsExistingAcquisition

Maps (acquires) the requested cap into the app at the requested address.

address must be page-aligned to the page type of the provided shm_cap_id, and must be less than 239, due to the current Sv39 scheme.


Arguments: type (ShmType), length (u64), address (u64).
Returns: shm_cap_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, ShmUnknownShmType, ShmInvalidLength, ShmCapacityNotAvailable, ShmAddressOutOfBounds, ShmAddressNotAligned, ShmOverlapsExistingAcquisition

Calls ShmNew and ShmAcquire in one system call.


Arguments: shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: InternalError, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied

Unmaps (releases) the requested cap from the app.

Silently succeeds if the requested cap is not currently acquired.


Arguments: shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: CapNotFound, PermissionDenied, ShmCapCurrentlyAcquired

Deletes a cap.

The cap must be released before destroying, otherwise the error ShmCapCurrentlyAcquired is returned.


Arguments: shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: InternalError, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied

Calls ShmRelease and ShmDestroy in one system call.

Exit API


Arguments: exit_reason (u64).
Returns: N/A.
Errors: None

Exits the app.

Upon issuing the ecall, no further app instructions will be executed.

The provided exit_reason is currently printed to the console.

Accessibility Tree API


Arguments: None.
Returns: accessibility_tree_cap_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted

Creates a new accessibility tree capability, that can be used to publish an accessibility tree.


Arguments: accessibility_tree_cap_id (u64), input_shm_cap_id (u64), output_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: task_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, InProgress, PermissionDenied

Starts a task to publish the RON-based accessibility tree contained in input_shm_cap_id, to the hypervisor.

The format of the data in the cap represented by input_shm_cap_id is in Postcard format, but is a simple string. Hence, it will be a varint-encoded length followed by the string data, as per the Postcard format. The string is an accessibility tree in RON format of the schema described in AccessibilityTreePublish, and should be easier to use than the AccessibilityTreePublish binary version.

As with other deferred-style calls:

  • This releases input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id and then you can't access them anymore
  • It accepts input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id that are already released
  • The output_shm_cap_id cap is created by you, and the hypervisor will write the output of the deferred call to it

An error will be written to the output_shm_cap_id cap if the Postcard data cannot be deserialised, or the RON string itself cannot be deserialised. The error begins with the varint-encoded discriminant 1, followed by error details. On success, the varint-encoded discriminant 0 is written. The output format is itself in the Postcard format.


Arguments: accessibility_tree_cap_id (u64), input_shm_cap_id (u64), output_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: task_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, InProgress, PermissionDenied

Starts a task to publish the accessibility tree contained in input_shm_cap_id, to the hypervisor.

The format of the data in the cap represented by input_shm_cap_id is in Postcard format. The schema expected is that of AccessibilityTree in the following Rust source code:

// Copyright 2023 The Nushift Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct AccessibilityTree {
    surfaces: Vec<Surface>,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct Surface {
    display_list: Vec<DisplayItem>,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum DisplayItem {
    Text {
        aabb: (Vec<VirtualPoint>, Vec<VirtualPoint>),
        text: String,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct VirtualPoint(f64);

An accessibility tree following the AccessibilityTree schema should be encoded into Postcard data according to the Postcard wire format specification.

As with other deferred-style calls:

  • This releases input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id and then you can't access them anymore
  • It accepts input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id that are already released
  • The output_shm_cap_id cap is created by you, and the hypervisor will write the output of the deferred call to it

An error will be written to the output_shm_cap_id cap if the Postcard data cannot be deserialised. The error begins with the varint-encoded discriminant 1, followed by error details. On success, the varint-encoded discriminant 0 is written. The output format is itself in the Postcard format.


Arguments: accessibility_tree_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: CapNotFound, InProgress

Destroys an accessibility tree capability. This does not destroy any published accessibility trees.

Title API


Arguments: None.
Returns: title_cap_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted

Creates a new title capability, that can be used to publish a title of the app.


Arguments: title_cap_id (u64), input_shm_cap_id (u64), output_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: task_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, InProgress, PermissionDenied

Starts a task to publish the title contained in input_shm_cap_id, to the hypervisor.

The format of the data in the cap represented by input_shm_cap_id is the title string in Postcard format.

As with other deferred-style calls:

  • This releases input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id and then you can't access them anymore
  • It accepts input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id that are already released
  • The output_shm_cap_id cap is created by you, and the hypervisor will write the output of the deferred call to it

An error will be written to the output_shm_cap_id cap if the Postcard data cannot be deserialised, or the title submission to the Nushift GUI shell failed. In the latter case, this probably means that the Nushift GUI shell has gone away. The error begins with the varint-encoded discriminant 1, followed by error details. On success, the varint-encoded discriminant 0 is written. The output format is itself in the Postcard format.


Arguments: title_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: CapNotFound, InProgress

Destroys a title capability. This does not unset any published titles.

Block On Deferred Tasks API


Arguments: input_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: InternalError, DeserializeError, DeferredDuplicateTaskIds, DeferredTaskIdsNotFound, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied

Blocks the app until the tasks represented by the task IDs in input_shm_cap_id are completed, and destroys those task IDs so they can't be referenced anymore (until they are reused by a future task ID allocation).

The input_shm_cap_id cap contains a Postcard seq (array) of task IDs.

The input_shm_cap_id cap is not released by this call. A cap either in the released or non-released state is accepted.

After a task is completed, its input_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id become accessible to the app again (for acquisition, destruction, etc).

A call BlockOnDeferredTasksRace may be added in the future, which unblocks when one of the tasks in the input is completed.

Graphics API

PresentBufferFormat (enum)

R8g8b8UintSrgb = 0,

A format for data in a present buffer which is 3 channels per pixel, an 8-bit unsigned integer for each channel in the order R, G, B, representing gamma-compressed values according to the sRGB standard.

Alpha is not present because the buffer is not blended with anything. A variant with an extra channel x8 that is ignored, may be added in the future for CPU/memory optimisation purposes.

HDR and/or linear formats may be added in the future.


Arguments: None.
Returns: gfx_cap_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted

Creates a new graphics capability.


Arguments: gfx_cap_id (u64), output_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: task_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, InProgress, PermissionDenied

Starts a task to get descriptions of available graphical output surfaces.

As with other deferred-style calls:

  • This releases output_shm_cap_id and then you can't access it anymore
  • It accepts an output_shm_cap_id that is already released
  • The output_shm_cap_id cap is created by you, and the hypervisor will write the output of the deferred call to it

A Vec<GfxOutput> will be written to the output_shm_cap_id cap, where GfxOutput is struct { id: u64, size_px: Vec<u64>, scale: Vec<f64> }, in Postcard format. The length of the Vecs within GfxOutput represent number of dimensions. size_px is physical pixels. scale is 1, 1.25, 1.5 etc representing DPI. The success discriminant 0 (varint-encoded in Postcard format) is written at the beginning of the output.


Arguments: gfx_cap_id (u64), input_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id (u64).
Errors: GfxUnknownPresentBufferFormat, DeserializeError, InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied

Creates a new CPU present buffer. As the name implies, the buffer is stored in main memory and is operated on by the CPU.

input_shm_cap_id contains the arguments to create the CPU present buffer. It is expected to contain struct CpuPresentBufferArgs { present_buffer_format: PresentBufferFormat, present_buffer_size_px: Vec<u64>, present_buffer_shm_cap_id: u64 } in Postcard format.

present_buffer_shm_cap_id is the SHM cap containing the underlying image data. It is not acquired by the hypervisor or otherwise modified at the time of the GfxCpuPresentBufferNew call.

An input_shm_cap_id cap in either the released or non-released state is accepted. The input_shm_cap_id cap is not released by this call. The contents are copied out, so you can destroy the input_shm_cap_id immediately after this call returns and the CPU present buffer cap will not be corrupted.

A system call to modify the present_buffer_size_px of an existing CPU present buffer cap is not and may never be provided, but such CPU present buffer caps can be cheaply destroyed and created without any need to copy or otherwise modify the underlying present_buffer_shm_cap_id they refer to.

Various presentation strategies can be employed through the creation of multiple present buffers.


Arguments: gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id (u64), gfx_output_id (u64), wait_for_vblank (u64), output_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: task_id (u64).
Errors: InternalError, Exhausted, CapNotFound, InProgress, PermissionDenied

Starts a task to blit the CPU present buffer memory to video memory/output.

The linear buffer of memory in the CPU present buffer is expected to be a byte array in Postcard format. It represents physical pixels, that has the width and height (and/or more dimensions) that is in the CPU present buffer cap metadata, in the format that is in the CPU present buffer cap metadata. These dimensions should ideally be the same width and height (and/or more dimensions) in pixels as the targeted output — if it is not, this is accepted and the presented image will either pad the buffer image or cut off the parts that can't be displayed.

wait_for_vblank is not used for now and should always be set to -1 for now. Conceptually, if it is set to false, the blitting starts straight away and may start in the middle of monitor scanout and tearing will occur. If it is set to true, we wait until the start of the vertical blanking interval and the idea is that tearing will not occur, however blitting a 3840x2160 image from the CPU does take a few milliseconds, which makes it again possible for tearing to occur if the next monitor scanout starts while blitting is still occurring, if there is no VRR support. This option may need to be reworked and extended, and there may be a breaking change to the API of this call in the future.

As with other deferred-style calls:

  • This releases the present_buffer_shm_cap_id underlying gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id, and output_shm_cap_id, and then you can't access them anymore
  • It accepts present_buffer_shm_cap_id and output_shm_cap_id that are already released
  • The output_shm_cap_id cap is created by you, and the hypervisor will write the output of the deferred call to it

An error will be written to the output_shm_cap_id cap if the Postcard data in the present_buffer_shm_cap_id cap cannot be deserialised, or an internal error fetching gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id info failed, or the byte length in the present_buffer_shm_cap_id cap does not equal the product of the dimensions multiplied by the bytes per pixel of the format from the gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id info, or the present command submission to the Nushift GUI shell failed. In the last case, this probably means that the Nushift GUI shell has gone away. The error begins with the varint-encoded discriminant 1, followed by error details. On success, the varint-encoded discriminant 0 is written. The output format is itself in the Postcard format.


Arguments: gfx_cpu_present_buffer_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: CapNotFound, InProgress

Destroys a CPU present buffer capability.

This operation is allowed regardless of the state of the underlying present_buffer_shm_cap_id.

This does not un-present any previous present operations.


Arguments: gfx_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: CapNotFound, InProgress, GfxChildCapsNotDestroyed

Destroys a graphics capability.

All CPU present buffer capabilities that used this graphics capability must be destroyed before destroying this, otherwise GfxChildCapsNotDestroyed is returned.

Debug Print API


Arguments: input_shm_cap_id (u64).
Returns: 0u64.
Errors: InternalError, CapNotFound, PermissionDenied, DeserializeError

Prints a string to the console for debugging purposes.

The input_shm_cap_id cap contains the string in Postcard format. That is, it contains a varint-encoded integer representing the length of the following data in bytes, followed by the string data. The hypervisor expects the string data portion to be UTF-8.

An input_shm_cap_id cap in either the released or non-released state is accepted. The input_shm_cap_id cap is not released by this call.

The console is currently stdout of the Nushift host program. For example on Windows, if you double-click nushift.exe, there will be no console that you can see. If you run nushift.exe from a command prompt, there will be.

Errors (API)

SyscallError (enum)

UnknownSyscall = 0,

The syscall number was not recognised.

InternalError = 1,

Should never happen, and indicates a bug in Nushift's code.

Exhausted = 2,

The maximum amount of capabilities in this particular capability space have been used, or the maximum number of global task IDs have been used (if starting a task). Please destroy some capabilities, or please block on existing task(s) to consume their task IDs.

CapNotFound = 6,

A capability in this particular capability space with the requested capability ID could not be found.

InProgress = 11,

The operation was not allowed because the deferred-capable capability is in progress (a task has been queued on it that is not yet completed).

Currently, it is not possible to queue/otherwise process a second deferred task on a deferred-capable capability while one is being processed on that capability. This limitation should be removed in the future.

It is not allowed to destroy a deferred-capable capability that is in progress.

PermissionDenied = 12,

An SHM cap ID was provided that is not of the expected SHM cap type. For example, a system-created SHM cap used for storing the program ELF data was provided where an application-created SHM cap was expected.

DeserializeError = 13,

The data in the input_shm_cap_id SHM cap that was provided was not in valid Postcard format.

ShmUnknownShmType = 3,

The value provided for the ShmType enum was unrecognised.

ShmInvalidLength = 4,

The length provided in the SHM API call was invalid, for example 0 is invalid.

ShmCapacityNotAvailable = 5,

There is not enough available capacity to support this length of this SHM type. Or, there is not enough available backing capacity, currently using mmap, to support this length of this SHM type. Or, the requested capacity in bytes overflows either u64 or usize on this host platform. Note that length in the system call arguments is number of this SHM type's pages, not number of bytes.

ShmCapCurrentlyAcquired = 7,

The requested SHM cap is currently acquired. Therefore, it cannot be acquired again, nor destroyed. Please release it first.

ShmAddressOutOfBounds = 8,

The requested acquisition address is not within Sv39 (39-bit virtual addressing) bounds.

ShmAddressNotAligned = 9,

The requested acquisition address is not aligned at the SHM cap's type (e.g. 4 KiB-aligned, 2 MiB-aligned or 1 GiB-aligned).

ShmOverlapsExistingAcquisition = 10,

The requested acquisition address combined with the length in the SHM cap forms a range that overlaps an existing acquisition. Please choose a different address.

DeferredDuplicateTaskIds = 14,

A task ID occurred multiple times in the input to BlockOnDeferredTasks. This validation was implemented for an earlier version of BlockOnDeferredTasks that required it, which was more complicated than the current version and caused more problems and has been shelved. However, the validation remains for strictness.

DeferredTaskIdsNotFound = 15,

One or more task IDs in the input to BlockOnDeferredTasks do not exist, either because they never existed or because they were consumed in a previous call to BlockOnDeferredTasks.

GfxUnknownPresentBufferFormat = 16,

The value provided for the PresentBufferFormat enum was unrecognised.

GfxChildCapsNotDestroyed = 17,

The requested graphics capability has been used to create child capabilities (for example, CPU present buffer capabilities) that have not been destroyed, and therefore this graphics capability cannot be destroyed. Please destroy the child capabilities first.


A client/server network protocol for serving Nushift apps.

It should be as easy to start a secure server serving Nushift programs as it is to start an SSH server.

This requirement is the reason for creating a new protocol.

See more in nsq's

A Hello World connection is working, but nsq is not integrated into the Nushift GUI yet.


TODO. The planned storage system will not be a filesystem API, which has been the cause of many security vulnerabilities. The storage concepts will interact with each other in a more secure and better way than filesystem APIs.

Client networking

TODO. The networking story of browsers is one of the weakest parts of browsers. Apps should be able to use more networking functionality than they can in browsers.


The nsq, nushift, and nushift-core directories are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

The reusable-id-pool directory is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option.

The nulib and examples directories are licensed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

See the LICENSE and/or NOTICE files in each directory for more details.


It is recommended to run the Nushift GUI desktop application with cargo run --release for improved demo app performance. Please run it from the nushift directory, i.e. cd nushift && cargo run --release, NOT cargo run --release -p nushift. This is required for internationalised strings to work.


A new shift in running programs with shareable URLs








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