NMEA network multiplexor. There are 2 programs i2captain and i2armchair. They allow NMEA data to be sent to multiple ios, andriod and PCs for logging / display. They can be used either live (i2captain) or after the event (i2armchair).
We need to make this a proper installable python package using setuptools and/or distribute. This is what the setup.py is for.
See: http://guide.python-distribute.org/
Copies data from a serial port and broadcasts as UDP (port 51243) and a muti threaded TCP server (port 2114).
python i2captain.py > log This will run the application and capture the log into a file called log suitable for use by i2armchair.
- Merge in i2armchair as a subcommand.
- Ditch the threads!
- Exit cleanly from control-c
- Log into file with timestamps using python logging module.
- Compress log files.
- Log rotation (could be delegated to logrotate).
Takes a rate and logfile as argument. Replays the log file NMEA over the same TCP and UDP ports as i2captain.
python i2armchair.py examples/holheadrace this will start the simulator using some example data collected during a race from HolyHead.
- Log file with timestamps and then reply using accurate times
- Support compressed log files
The following python modules are required to develop this software:
- pyserial
- pynmea
These can be installed into your python site-packages using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that you can avoid contaminating your OS python installation by installing these as user packages as follows:
$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt
This will typically be ~/.local/lib/python2.x/site-packages for Unix-likes.
A list of applications that have been used to view the data. So far no apps have been tested to set waypoints.