I want to share my jekyll photo gallery, simple, functional, mobile friendly and most essential, pretty! The gallery is based on the design from Henrrique Gusso and utilizes the jekyll gallery generator plugin to do most of the heavy lifting (with some minor changes).
(copied from the plugin repo)
- ImageMagick
- RMagick
- exifr
- Ruby >= 2.1
brew install imagemagick rbenv
rbenv install 2.4.0
rbenv global 2.4.0
gem install rmagick exifr
apt install libmagick++-dev
gem install rmagick exifr
This plugin reads several config options from _config.yml
. The following options are supported (default settings are shown):
# The following options are for individual galleries.
dir: photos # root folder with all the pictures
title: "Photos"
sort_field: "date" # sort pictures by date
title_prefix: "" # title prefix
symlink: false # false: copy images into _site. true: create symbolic links (saves disk space)
thumbnail_size: #
y: 450 #
retina: 1.5 #
2017_Berlin: # folder name
name: "Berlin" # gallery name
date: "2017/08/01" # gallery date
best_image: 0062.jpg # best photo for gallery blur image and gallery index
- The people behind jekyll project
- Geoff Greer for the script
- Gusso for the design