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This repo includes operators for Combine, almost complete re-implementation of CombineCocoa, RxViewController, RxGestures and RxKeyboard libraries and some additional features.


import UIKit
import Combine
import CombineCocoa
import CombineOperators

final class SomeViewModel {
  let title = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("Title")
  let icon = CurrentValueSubject<UIImage?, Never>(nil)
  let color = CurrentValueSubject<UIColor, Never>(UIColor.white)
  let bool = CurrentValueSubject<Bool, Never>(false)

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  @IBOutlet private weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet private weak var iconView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet private weak var switchView: UISwitch!

  let viewModel = SomeViewModel()
  private func configureSubscriptions() {
    viewModel.title ==> titleLabel.cb.text
    viewModel.iconView ==> iconView.cb.image
    viewModel.bool ==> switchView.cb.isOn
    viewModel.color ==> (self, ViewController.setTint)
    //or viewModel.color ==> cb.weak(method: ViewController.setTint)
    //or viewModel.color ==> {[weak self] in self?.setTint(color: $0) }

  private func setTint(color: UIColor) {


  1. Operator =>
  • From Publisher to Subscriber, creates a subscription:

    intPublisher => intSubscriber

- From `Publisher` to `Subject`, creates a subscription and returns `Cancellable`:

  let Cancellable = intPublisher => intSubject
  • From Cancellable to DisposeBag:
someCancellable => cancellableSet
somePublisher => someSubject => cancellableSet
  • From Publisher to Scheduler, returns AnyPublisher<Output, Failure>:
somePublisher => DispatchQueue.main => someSubscriber
  • From Publisher to (Output) -> Void:
somePublisher => { print($0) }
  • From Publisher to @autoescaping () -> Void:
somePublisher => print("action")

All operators casts output-input types and errors types where possible

  1. Operator ==>

Drive Publisher to Subscriber on main queue:

intPublisher ==> intSubscriber => cancellableSet
  1. Operators =>> and ==>> replaces .removeDublicates()

  2. CancellableBuilder and MergeBuilder, CombineLatestBuilder - result builders

  3. Some features:

  • UIView.cb operators: isVisible, willAppear, isOnScreen, didAppear, movedToWindow, frame, frameOnWindow, etc.
  • skipNil() operator
  • or(Bool), .toggle(), ! operators for boolean sequences
  • use + and += operator for merging publishers, creating Cancellables, etc
  • interval(...)
  • withLast() -> AnyPublisher<(previous: Output?, current: Output), Failure>
  • .mp - @dynamicMemberLookup mapper
  • asResult() -> AnyPublisher<Result<Output, Failure>, Never>
  • nilIfEmpty
  • isEmpty
  • isNil
  • isNilOrEmpty
  • append(...)
  • smooth(...) methods to smooth changes, example: sequence[0, 1] turns to [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1]
  • onValue, onFailure, onFinished, onSubscribe, onCancel, onRequest wrappers on handleEvents(...) operator
  • guard()
  • cb.isFirstResponder
  • UIStackView().cb.update(...)
  • UIView().cb.transform.scale(), .rotation(), .translation()


  1. CocoaPods

CombineOperators is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CombineOperators/CombineCocoa'

and run pod update from the podfile directory first.

  1. Swift Package Manager

Create a Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "SomeProject",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.81.0")
  targets: [
    .target(name: "SomeProject", dependencies: ["CombineOperators"])
$ swift build


Voidilov, [email protected]


CombineOperators is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.