OkNet is a wrapper HTTP networking library by Retrofit + OkHttp + RxJava for Android. Works on API level 14 or later.
- Features of Retrofit and OkHttp
- Method Chaining by RxJava
- Support calling in both Kotlin and Java
- Automatically invoke response callback on Android Main Thread while HTTP networking on IO Thread
- Support custom OkHttp Client and Retrofit
- Support maintaining multiple Retrofit object
- High-efficiency GsonConverterFactory and RxJava2CallAdapterFactory
- More coming soon!
repositories {
implementation 'com.danke.android:oknet:x.y.z'
- Kotlin
// get
.compose(MyTransformer<Response<MyResponse>, MyResponse>())
.map { it.data }
.subscribeWith(object : ToastObserver<String>(context){
override fun onNext(t: String) {
// do something when it is successful
override fun onStart() {
// do something when it is started
override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
// do something when it is failed
override fun onComplete() {
// do something when it is completed
override fun onTokenInvalid(e: TokenInvalidException) {
// do something when token is invalid
- Java
// get
.compose(new MyTransformer <>())
.map(response -> response.data)
.subscribeWith(new ToastObserver<String>(context) {
public void onNext(String s) {
// do something when it is successful
protected void onStart() {
// do something when it is started
public void onError(@NotNull Throwable t) {
// do something when it is failed
public void onComplete() {
// do something when it is completed
public void onTokenInvalid(@NotNull TokenInvalidException e) {
// do something when token is invalid
You can make common configuration in Application or MainActivity.
- Kotlin
Base url is necessary
OkNet.apply {
baseUrl = BASE_URL
Or custom RetrofitBuilder
OkNet.apply {
retrofitBuilder = RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = BASE_URL)
- Java
Base url is necessary
Or custom RetrofitBuilder
OkNet.setRetrofitBuilder(new RetrofitBuilder(BASE_URL)
Custom response must extends BaseResponse
- Kotlin
data class MyResponse(
@SerializedName("others") val others: String?) : BaseResponse<MyResponseData>()
- Java
public class MyResponse extends BaseResponse<MyResponseData> {
public String others;
Service must be an interface, and you should define your apis in service.
- Kotlin
interface ApiService {
fun getList(@Query("start") start: Int = 0,
@Query("count") count: Int = 10): Observable<Response<MyResponse>>
fun postList(@Field("start") start: Int = 0,
@Field("count") count: Int = 10): Observable<Response<MyResponse>>
fun getSubject(@Path("id") id: Long): Observable<Response<MyResponse>>
- Java
public interface ApiService {
Observable<Response<MyResponse>> getList(@Query("start") int start,
@Query("count") int count);
Observable<Response<MyResponse>> postList(@Field("start") int start,
@Field("count") int count);
Observable<Response<MyResponse>> getSubject(@Path("id") long id);
If there are some common business errors to handle, you can do it in your own Transformer witch extends one of BaseObservableTransformer
, BaseFlowableTransformer
, BaseMaybeTransformer
, or BaseSingleTransformer
- Kotlin
class MyTransformer<T : Response<R>, R : BaseResponse<*>> : BaseObservableTransformer<T, R>() {
override fun isTokenInvalid(r: R): Boolean = false
override fun isResponseError(r: R): Boolean = r.code != null || r.msg != null
- Java
public class DefaultTransformer<T extends Response<R>, R extends BaseResponse<?>> extends BaseObservableTransformer<T, R> {
public boolean isTokenInvalid(R r) {
return false;
public boolean isResponseError(R r) {
return r.getCode() != null && r.getCode() != -1 || r.getMsg() != null;
You can define your own Subscriber or Observer to handle reponse, witch extends
or BaseObserver
. Also you can extends ToastSubscriber
or ToastObserver
witch toast error message, so you can only care for your successful response.
A Proguard configuration is provided as part of the library, so you don’t need to add any specific rules to your Proguard configuration.
- Issues are welcome. Please add a screenshot of bug and code snippet.
- Pull requests are welcome. If you want to change API or making something big better to create issue and discuss it first.
This library is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.
for full of the license text.
Copyright (C) 2018 danke77.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.