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kukulkan-craftsman is the front end application of kukulkan

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Instalación local utilizando Yarn (Recomendada)

  1. Instalar Java 8 desde el sitio web de Oracle.
  2. (Opcional) Instalar Maven. El proyecto tiene un Wrapper de Maven que instalar la version adecuada, sin embargo es posible instalarlo desde los paquetes binarios.
  3. Instalar Git desde el sition web.
  4. Instalar Node.js desde el sitio web (utilizar la version LTS)
  5. Instalar Yar desde el sitio Web
  6. Instalar Bower: yarn global add bower
  7. Instalar Gulp: yarn global add gulp-cli

Nota: Si tienes problemas utilizando las herramientas anteriores de manera global, asegurate que tienes la ruta siguiente en tu variable de ambiente PATH la siguiente ruta $HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin

On Para Mac o Linux: export PATH="$PATH:yarn global bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin"

Instalar paquetes con Bower

Instalar un paquete en el archivo bower.json

$ bower install PACKAGE --save

Instalar los paquetes listados en el archivo bower.json

$ bower install

Para inyectar dependencias

Inyectar depedencias front-end en el codigo: gulp inject

Para generar las constantes AngularJS: gulp ngconstant:dev

Para hacer los pasos anteriores con un unico comando: gulp install

Template key-params


projectName : the name of the project


entity: Name of the entity

entityHyphenNotation: hyphen notation of the entity

entityHyphenNotationPlural: hyphen notation in plural format of the entity

entityCamelCase: entity in camel-case notation

entityCamelCasePlural: entity in camel-case plural format

hasBlobProperties: true if the entity has blob properties, false otherwise

hasTimeProperties: true if the entity has time properties, false otherwise

hasLocalDate: true if the entity has LocalDate properties, false otherwise



General Information the name of the property in camelCase format

property.type: the type of the property in camelCase format

property.qualifiedName: the qualifiedName in java world

property.columnType: the type of the property in the datamodel representation

property.literal: true if the property is String, false otherwise

For Blob o Clob

property.blob: true if the property is blob, false otherwise

property.clob: true if the property is clob, false otherwise

For numbers

property.time: true if the property is time (LocalDate, Instant, ZoneDateTime), false otherwise

property.localDate: true if the property is localDate, false otherwise

property.instant: true if the property is instant, false otherwise

property.zoneDateTime: true if the property is zoneDateTime, false otherwise

For numbers

property.number: true if the property is a Number (Integer, Long, Double, Float, BidDecimal), false otherwise

property.long: true if the property is Long, false otherwise

property.integer: true if the property is Integer, false otherwise

property.float: true if the property is Float, false otherwise

property.double: true if the property is Double, false otherwise

property.bigDecimal: true if the property is bigDecimal, false otherwise


property.hasConstraint: true if the property is has constraints, false otherwise.

property.constraint.nullable: true if the property can be null, false otherwise.







For text - Constraint




For Numbers (Integer, Long, Float, Double) - Constraint



For Blob - Constraint



template quick reference



Create docker image

Run the following command

mvn clean package -Pprod docker:build -DskipTests

Update docker image

  1. In a terminal, set the environment variable DOCKER_ID_USER as your username in Docker Cloud.

     export DOCKER_ID_USER="danimaniarqsoft"
  2. Log in to Docker Cloud using the docker login command.

     docker login
  3. Tag your image using docker tag.

     docker tag kukulkan $DOCKER_ID_USER/kukulkan
  4. Push your image to Docker Hub using docker push (making the same replacements as in the previous step).

     docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/kukulkan

Check that the image you just pushed appears in Docker Cloud.

Go to Docker Cloud and navigate to the Repositories tab and confirm that your image appears in this list.


kukulkan-craftsman is the front end application of kukulkan






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