A react native lib using rust for compressing and extracting tar.gz files.
This library uses the new architecture and as a project must have it enabled to use it. How to enable the new architecture.
As this lib uses rust, you must have it installed before building your app.
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi x86_64-linux-android i686-linux-android
npm install react-native-tar-gz
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios
cargo install cargo-lipo
npm install react-native-tar-gz
npm install react-native-tar-gz
import { compress, uncompress } from 'react-native-tar-gz';
try {
await compress(
} catch(error) {
try {
await uncompress(
} catch(error) {
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Made with create-react-native-library