To use django-actionitems, add the actionitems directory to your project, and add actionitems
to your INSTALLED_APPS in your project's
If you are using Django 1.7+, you will also want to add MIGRATION_MODULES = { 'actionitems': 'actionitems.django_migrations' }
to your file.
django-actionitems can store a reference to sommething that creates the actionitem. For example, an action item may be the result of a Meeting, Event, or Decision. django-actionitems calls this the origin. If you wish to link your actionitem to an origin, you can supply the model in your project's in the form appname.Model e.g.
ACTIONITEMS_ORIGIN_MODEL = 'publicweb.Decision'
If ACTIONITEMS_ORIGIN_MODEL is set, then django-actionitems expects an origin to be provided when adding a new actionitem. The easiest way to do this is to override the get_origin method ActionItemCreateView in The origin is the pk of the object. For example, if our origin is a "decision", we might set origin as follows:
from actionitems.views import ActionItemCreateView
class MyCustomActionItemCreateView(ActionItemCreateView):
def get_origin(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
origin = 'code for acquiring origin objects id' # e.g. origin = kwargs.get('decisionpk')
return origin
get_origin() is called by the get_initial() method of ActionItemCreateVeiw, if you override get_initial() for this form, remember to supply an origin or manually call get_origin()
You will likely want to override the success urls using get_success_url() method in your views
A south migration script is included to setup the basic table. However, if you wish to use an origin_model you will need to manually write a second migration script to add this column to your actionitems table.
To do this in a way that brought my second migration under version control, I did the following:
./ schemamigration actionitems --auto
- This generated, but it placed it in my actionitems directory that was not under version control
- I moved this migration script, to my main app's migrations directory (which is under version control)
- I added a dependency:
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
depends_on = (
("actionitems", ""),
def forwards(self, orm):
I then completed the migration, with ./ migrate main
The tests are not included as part of the actionitems app and so won't run when installed in your project and you use ./ test. If you want to develop or extend the actionitems app you can run the tests with tox by running tox
. (Instructions on installing tox
You can pass py.test arguments by using tox -- {your arguments}
. For example, to pass the py.test argument --pastebin=all use tox -- --pastebin=all
or to pass -v --tb=short tox -- -v --tb=short