Heroku Deployment Link: Blob Storage System
Video Link: Demo
Swagger UI: Swagger UI
A Simple Blog Storage System for storing files where users can view, upload, rename, delete, share, download, and compress files with user-based access control on who can access the files.
- Only admins (ie) users whose 'is_admin' field is true can perform these operations.
- This is checked using OAuth2 scopes provided by FastAPI.
GET /admin/users
View all users with all details and the files they own.
GET /admin/users/{user_id}
View a particular user with all details and the files he owns.
GET /admin/files
View all files created by users
GET /admin/files/{file_id}
View a specific file created by an user.
DELETE /admin/files/{file_id}
Delete a file created by an user.
PATCH /admin/users/{user_id}/enable
Update the 'disabled' field in database to False.
PATCH /admin/users/{user_id}/disable
Update the 'disabled' field in database to True.
- Authentication happens using OAuth2 with Password (and hashing), Bearer with JWT tokens.
POST /token Login
Create access token using JWT by supplying username and password.
POST /create_session
Create a session by supplying the access token so that it could be used later whenever the user comes back
GET /loggedin
To check whether the session is already set (ie) User has already logged in
POST /logout
To delete the session
GET /users
View all users but only username and id, no other details are displayed. Can be used for sharing files.
POST /users
Register user by supplying username and password.
GET /users/me
View all details about the current user and the files owned.
- Respective operations can only be performed by authorized users.
- This is checked via dependencies in path operation decorators provided by FastAPI.
GET /users/{user_id}/files
View all files the user owns
POST /users/{user_id}/files
- Upload a file to the server.
- The file will be stored in the static folder with name in the format "<user_id>_<unix_timestamp>" because a user with a user id can never upload two files at the same time and the path of the file is stored in the database.
- Content-type and name of the file is also stored. Shutil python library is used to execute this operation.
GET /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}
View a specific file only if the user has read permission.
PUT /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}
Edit name and description of the file only if the user has edit permission.
DELETE /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}
Delete a file only if the user has delete permission.
PATCH /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}/share
- Share a file with another user only if the user is the owner.
- Simply update the read permission as True in the permissions table for the user with whom the file is shared with.
GET /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}/download
Download a file only if the user has read permission. File is returned using FileResponse from starlette.responses.
GET /users/{user_id}/files/{file_id}/compress
- Compress a file into zip and download it only if the user has read permission.
- zipfile python library is used and the compression method is ZIP_DEFLATED.
- Admin access: Admin access for viewing users and their uploaded files and deleting users and files.
- Authentication: Authentication using OAuth2 with Password (and hashing), Bearer with JWT tokens.
- Authorization: Authorization using OAuth2 scopes.
- Access control: User-based access control on who can access the files, rename and delete.
- Compress Files: Can compress into zip and download files.
- Storage: The files are stored in the 'static' folder with name in the format "<user_id>_<unix_timestamp>" because a user with a user id can never upload two files at the same time and the path of the file is stored in the database.
Python 3.6+
$ git clone https://github.com/danieldavidraj/Blob-Storage-System.git
---> 100%
$ cd Blob-Storage-System
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
---> 100%
Run the server with (prod):
$ python3 -m uvicorn app.main:app
Run the server with (dev):
$ python3 -m uvicorn app.main:app --reload
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [28720]
INFO: Started server process [28722]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
Go to the link to see the application