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Embedded KIE Drools Spring Boot sample


This project is a multi-module Maven project with two components:

  • A Spring Boot application
  • Embedded KIE Drools for processing business rules

Docker will be used to run a Maven container to generate and build the project.

Setting up Docker container

Start a Maven container with:

docker run \
--name drools-spring-boot \
--hostname drools-spring-boot \
-it \
-p 3055:8080 \
-p 3056:35729 \
--mount type=bind,src=`pwd`,dst=/drools-spring-boot \
-w //drools-spring-boot \
maven:3.6-jdk-8 \

Generating Drools sub-module

Browse for the latest Drools Maven archetype at

Use Maven's archetype to generate a new Drools project:

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.kie \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=kie-drools-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=7.23.0.Final \
-DinteractiveMode=false \
-DgroupId=com.example \
-DartifactId=drools \

The generated project should contain a sample POJO (plain old java object), a sample drl file containing rules and a basic unit test. Add the following to drools/pom.xml. This will change the project from a standalone Maven format to a child sub-project by referring to the parent's GAV (group, artifactId and version). Note the kjar packaging (knowledge jar) which is specific to Drools and is enabled by the kie-maven-plugin.


Move the rules.drl file from resources to com/example/drools manually or with:

mkdir -p drools/src/main/resources/com/example/drools
mv drools/src/main/resources/rules.drl drools/src/main/resources/com/example/drools/rules.drl

This creates a directory recursively with all the parent directories that do not yet exist (-p) then moves the file to the newly created directory. Similarly, move the test file and the java file.

Generating Spring Boot sub-module

Use Spring Initializr archetype to generate a new Spring project, either by running the following to download a pre-configured zip file or visiting and setting Project: Maven, Language: Java, Spring Boot: 2.1.5 Project Metadata's Group: com.example, Artifact: spring-boot, Package Name: com.example.spring-boot, Packaging: Jar and Java: 8. Add a Spring Web Starter dependency so RESTful services are also included.

curl -LOJ ""

This command instructs cURL to follow any redirect locations (-L), output a file locally using the remote file name (-O) and also to use the header provided filename (-J) Spring Initializr is used because a Maven Archetype does not currently exist.

Once the zip archive has been downloaded, expand it to a new spring-boot directory with the -d argument:


The zip directory may now be removed with:


Define parent project structure

In the root directory, create a new pom.xml file with the following content. Note that each sub-module name should also be the name of each sub-module's directory.

<project xmlns=""

    <name>KIE Drools Spring Boot API</name>

    <!-- Define sub-modules for this project to be compiled together -->
    <!-- Paths are assumed to match sub-module names -->


    <!-- Dependency Management controls versions for sub-modules -->
    <!-- This means sub-modules can omit versions -->

        <!-- Plugin Management controls versions for sub-modules -->
        <!-- This means sub-modules can omit versions -->
                    <!-- This configuration option allows running mvn spring-boot:run from the parent directory -->
                    <!-- The sub-module pom should contain a skip:false -->
                    <!-- -->

To run the spring application in development mode navigate to the spring-boot sub-module and run:

mvn spring-boot:run

This will start up the built-in Tomcat server on port 8080, and the application will be available at

Building a Docker image

To build a deployable application package the following commands are needed:

mvn package spring-boot:repackage
java -jar spring-boot/target/spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Embedded KIE Drools Spring Boot sample






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