Releases: dandyrow/pam-qr
Root login requires password entry
Due to the potentially insecure nature of this module at the moment I have elected to remove the ability for it to authenticate the root user. Instead, when attempting to login as root, you will be dropped to a password prompt.
In this release I have included a complied binary,, for use on Ubuntu 20.04
Removed Tiny2FA
Removed Tiny2FA due to it not producing OTPs which match the secret expected by the server and lack of time to fix it.
Minor Bug Fixes
- Changed url string to allow user to chose between http and https (requires http or https to be included in url string in config file)
- Fixed incorrect JSON syntax being put into the QR code
- Corrected number of arguments expected
I have decided not to upload a binary for this release as the builds are OS (and distro) specific due to the shared libraries used. Future releases may bring back builds for specific linux distros
v0.1.0-alpha First working release
First working release of pam-qr. There is a distinct lack of security with this release hence why it is marked pre-release and has an alpha version number.
Attached is the compiled binary.
The following dependencies are required to use pam-qr:
- libqrencode
- libcurl
- libjson-c
- libpam
- Tiny2FA