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Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Programm

Project – Capstone


Name github link email
Derrick Choo (lead) [email protected]
Chidhanandh Krishnaraj [email protected]
Libin Jia [email protected]
Michael Zill [email protected]
Siqi Ying [email protected]

This document provides brief description of how the Capstone project was completed with different section explained in detail and what steps were followed.


In Automobile Industry, the expectation towards the driver assistance and driver safety arouse the need of autonomously driving vehicles which could have a near-zero accident rate, keeping the safety of the driver and environment and maintaining the standards of the Automobile industry. This project is divided into different section to attain the main goal which is to make the Car drive by itself in the simulator and in the real world with real time environment (Carla) considering obstacles and traffic lights.


To make the Ego car drive by itself in the traffic situations and following the right trajectory to reach the goal point in the Simulator and in the real world (Carla).

Development Plan

We will be developing ROS nodes to implement core functionality of the autonomous vehicle system, including traffic light detection, control, and waypoint following. This will be tested using the Udacity simulator and when verified, the project can be submitted to be run on Carla.

The project is distributed into four phases:

Phase 1: Waypoint updater (Partial)

Phase 2: Drive by Wire (DBW)

Phase 3: Traffic Light Detection

Phase 4: Waypoint updater (full)

The following is a system architecture diagram showing the ROS nodes and topics used in the project.


Phase 1: Waypoint Updater (Partial)


The waypoint updater node will publish the final waypoints which provides the trajectory for the ego car to move around.


/base_waypoints: Published by Waypoint_loader, which is the static waypoints which are the list of all the waypoints from the track. Waypoints as provided by a static .csv file.

/obstacle_waypoints: Published by the Obstacle detection module.

/traffic_waypoint: Published by Traffic Light Detection Node which published the waypoints to the traffic red light.

/current_pose: Current position published by the Car or the simulator. alt-text



The final waypoints is published which provides the fixed number of waypoints ahead of the vehicle.

The total number of waypoints ahead of the vehicle that should be included in the /final_waypoints list is provided by the LOOKAHEAD_WPS (200 in this case) variable in

Phase 2: Drive by Wire (DBW)


Drive by wire (DBW) system will control the vehicle through controlling throttle, braking, and steering. The DBW node logic accepts linear and angular velocity by subscribing to twist_cmd and publish the throttle, brake, and steering commands. The DBW node can be disabled and the driver can control it.

Inputs and outputs

This diagram illustrates the inputs and outputs for DBW node:


The inputs are:

/current_velocity: published by simulator and used by the DBW node to determine the linear velocity and provide it to controller.

/twist_cmd: Waypoint_follower node publishes it and subscribed by DBW node to publish throttle, steering and brake commands.

/vehicledbw_enable: pusblished by simulator. DBW will determine whether or not to publish throttle, steering, and brake information to respective topics.

The outputs from DBW node are throttle, steering, and brake commands published to throttle_cmd, steering_cmd, and brake_cmd respectively.


The logic subscribes to the following ros topics:

  • /vehicle/dbw_enabled - Indicates whether drive by wire is enabled.
  • /twist_cmd - Provides the target linear and angular velocity based on the current position and calculated trajectory.
  • current_velocity - Provides the current linear and angular velocity of the vehicle.

The information from the subscribed ros topics are used to calculate the required throttle, braking and steering angle of the car.

In addition to the ros topic information, the following information about the vehicle's dynamics are also used:

  • vehicle mass
  • wheel radius
  • wheel base
  • steering ratio
  • maximum lateral acceleration
  • maximum steering angle

Prior to using the measured linear and angular velocity to calculate the required throttle/braking/steering, these velocity are pass through a low pass filter to filter out large fluctuation in measured velocities.

For the calculation of the throttle and braking we have elected to use a PID controller ( As the drive by wire can be temporarily disabled, a check for the dbw_enabled status is applied to reset the PID coefficient so that the PID does not unnecessarily accumulate throttle integrals values. It also returns zero values for the throttle, braking and steering.

For the calculation of the steering, we have elected to use the provided Yaw controller ( In addition to using the yaw controller, smoothing is applied to the steering to keep the steering to the previous steering value if the difference in current angular velocity and target angular velocity is less than 0.02.

For the calculation of the braking, if the target velocity is 0 and current velocity is less than 0.1, we apply the maximum brake torque of 700nM which is required to hold the vehicle in place. If not, if the throttle is less than 0.1 and different in target velocity is less than the current linear velocity, braking is set relative to the velocity difference or maximum deceleration limit (whichever is greater). Braking force is calculated using the following equation:

braking force = velocity error * vehicle mass * wheel radius

Once the throttle, braking and steering has been computed, these values are published to their respective ros topics

  • /vehicle/throttle_cmd
  • /vehicle/braking_cmd
  • /vehicle/steering_cmd

The Controller logics within the employs the to give a control on throttle command. The steering commands are calculated through Both throttle and steering commands are smoothed by a low pass filter from

Phase 3: Traffic Light Detection

The Perception subsystem here senses the surrounding world for traffic lights (in this project, obstacles are not detected), and publishes useful messages to other subsystems. The traffic light detection node is a core element of the solution as it informs about the presence and state of traffic lights based on the images it receives from the camera. This node subscribes to the data from the /image_color, /current_pose, and /base_waypoints topics, and publishes the stop line to the nearest red traffic light to the topic /traffic_waypoint. The input messages are the car's current position (from /current_pose topic), camera images (from /image_color), and a complete list of waypoints (from /base_waypoints), while the output of the detection and classification node is the state of the traffic light, and the index of the closest stop line (-1 if not exists)(publishes to /traffic_waypoint). The module consists of two parts:

Traffic light classifier

The traffic light classifier uses a TensorFlow based CNN (ssd_inception_v2_coco) for object detection. The model has been trained with a udacity provided data set. Given that the real-world scenario and the simulator are quite different, we created to different trained models – one for each scenario.

A large amount of effort went into labeling and augmenting the training data which is based on the provided ros-bag file for the real-world scenario and simulator images we saved from driving on the simulator track.\

The end-to-end steps to training the model are:

  1. Data preparation
  2. Data labelling
  3. Data augmentation
  4. Training
  5. Testing

Data preparation

To prepare the data for training the simulation model

  1. We launch both the ros application roslaunch launch/styx.launch and the simulator.
  2. Once the simulator is connected to the ros application, next we start to record the camera stream from the simulator car by running rosbag record /image_color
  3. In the simulator, check the 'Camera' checkbox and drive around the track to capture the traffic lights in their different states and from varying distances
  4. To save the recording, close the rosbag recording session by pressing Ctrl+C
  5. To extract the images from the rosbag file, we developed a ros image extraction script: export.launch.
    1. To use the script in a terminal, run roscore
    2. In a second terminal, run roslaunch export.launch bagfile:=/path/to/bagfile.bag topic:=image_color
    3. The images will be extracted to the /home/.ros/ directory

To prepare the data for training the parking lot (real world) model:

  1. We downloaded the provided camera images from the provided training bag file
  2. Next we extract the images out of the bag file, by using our ros image extraction script (refer above for instructions).

Data labelling

To label the data we used the Labellmg tool.

Data augmentation

For the real world model, we analyzed the provided images and most of the images are in ideal driving conditions. However, in order to develop a most robust traffic light classification system, we decided to consider external factors that may impact the traffic light classification inference. Once such factor was the weather condition. Thus we developed an image augmentation library to create augmentations of the provided image to simulate various weather events.

The augmentation library caters for following weather conditions:

  • Sunny day - increasing the brightness of the image alt-text
  • Overcast day - decreasing the brightness of the image alt-text
  • Raining day - Adding rain effects to the image alt-text
  • Foggy day - Adding fog effects to the image alt-text
  • Rain and fog - Combining rain and fog effects to the image alt-text

Training the model

To train the model, we used a pre-trained model. In our exploration, we trained the following models with our traffic light images:

  • ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco
  • ssd_inception_v2_coco
  • faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco
  • faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco

We also explored training the model using the Bosch traffic dataset. However, in our testing, we found that using the scenario specific dataset (simulator and parking lot) yield a much significantly more accurate traffic light detection and classification.

To train the model we

  1. Consolidate the label data into a single csv file
  2. Generate the required tensorflow records for both training and validation with a 70%/30% data split. Important: When splitting the data, it is important that the augmented data is only included in the training data as we only want to validate against real world images. Ideally we would have a set of actual images that covers various weather conditions.
  3. Download the required pre-train model from [Tensorflow detection model zoo] (
  4. Configure the pipeline.config
  5. Perform the training:
    1. Locally - refer to instructions here:
    2. On Google Cloud - refer to instructions here:
  6. Once the training is completed, you will need to freeze the model. Important: When freezing the model, it is important to freeze the model using Tensorflow 1.3 which the ros application (and carla) is setup to use.


To test our models, we used a jupyter notebook to test and explore the speed and accuracy of the models. The notebooks can be found here:

Using the notebook, we experimented with different CNN models to find a good balance between inference speed and accuracy.

| Model                          | Inference speed ms   | Accuracy %  |
| ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco          | 19.9                 | 87.8        |
| ssd_inception_v2_coco          | 27.8                 | 93.9        |
| faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco  | 79.7                 | 97.5        |
| faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco     | 201                  | 97.5        |

It turned out that ssd_inception_v2_coco provides a good balance between speed and accuracy. The following images show some samples of test data which we used to verify the trained model.

The following images depict on the left side the inferred image and on the right side the ground truth image.

alt-text alt-text

Simulator test samples:

alt-text alt-text

Real-world parking lot test samples:

alt-text alt-text


The implementation of the traffic light classifier in done in the file. The classifier is designed to load the respective frozen graph based on the running configuration (simulator/parking lot) of the ros application.

The get_light_state() function determines the color of the traffic light (ID of traffic light color, UNKNOWN=4, GREEN=2, YELLOW=1, RED=0). The traffic light state detection and classification is implemented in the TLClassifier::get_classification(image) function.

Traffic light detection

The traffic light detection module implements the traffic light classifier get the color of the traffic light from the image provided by subscribed image_color ros topic .

The process_traffic_lights() finds the closest visible traffic light based on the current position of the vehicle.

Additionally, in order to avoid the sudden velocity change, and smooth the vehicle behaviour (i.e. the classifier returning a red followed by an unknown state), we implemented a traffic light state threshold function. The function

  • Records the number of consecutive same inferred traffic light states (i.e. 3 red lights inferred)
  • If the number is greater than the threshold STATE_COUNT_THRESHOLD(configured default: 3), the inferred state is used. Otherwise the previous stable state is used.

Finally, once the state has been identified, we publish the waypoint index of the closest red light's stop line if the state is a red traffic light. This is published to the /traffic_waypoint ros topic.

Phase 4: Waypoint Updater (Full)


The Waypoint Updater (full) is the extension of the phase 1 Waypoint updater, which publishes the final waypoints based on traffic light detections or obstacle detections. The final waypoints published by this node considers the calculation of the velocity which increases and decreases on the traffic signal situations. The velocity will be reduced when the traffic signal changes to RED and the velocity will increase when the traffic signal changes to GREEN.

The inputs and outputs are already described in the Phase 1: Waypoint_updater (Partial) section.


The target velocity is set for the waypoints leading up to the red traffic lights to bring the vehicle to a smooth stop.

The velocity is calculated based on the following formula. And in the graph, we can see how the velocity is gradually decreasing instead of a linear reduction, taking into account the max deceleration and the stopping distance. The max deceleration is set to 0.5 m/s^2 and stopping distance is calculated based on the closest id of the red traffic light.


This way the Waypoint_updater publishes the final waypoints considering the target velocity of the car to the waypoint follower, which again is sent to the DBW node which controls the braking and accelerating the car.


Although we manage to successfully test the implementation with the simulator, we did encounter several roadblock in our testing.

  1. When running the simulator in the udacity workspace with the camera on, at times, the vehicle position was not being updated quick enough for the vehicle to provide an accurate drive by wire output to steer the vehicle correctly. To overcome this issue, we had to tweak the publishing rate of the waypoint updater and drive by wire.
    • In the udacity workspace, we set these publication rates were set to 2Hz.
    • On lower spec computers, our publication rates were between 10-30Hz
    • Running on a high spec machine allowed us to set the waypoint updater publication to 30Hz and drive by wire to 50hz
  2. Additionally to reduce the workload on machine, we implement the traffic light inference to run on every fifth image when running in simulator mode.

Setup Instructions

This is the project repo for the final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. For more information about the project, see the project introduction here.

Please use one of the two installation options, either native or docker installation.

Native Installation

  • Be sure that your workstation is running Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus or Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahir. Ubuntu downloads can be found here.

  • If using a Virtual Machine to install Ubuntu, use the following configuration as minimum:

    • 2 CPU
    • 2 GB system memory
    • 25 GB of free hard drive space

    The Udacity provided virtual machine has ROS and Dataspeed DBW already installed, so you can skip the next two steps if you are using this.

  • Follow these instructions to install ROS

  • Dataspeed DBW

  • Download the Udacity Simulator.

Docker Installation

Install Docker

Build the docker container

docker build . -t capstone

Run the docker file

docker run -p 4567:4567 -v $PWD:/capstone -v /tmp/log:/root/.ros/ --rm -it capstone

Port Forwarding

To set up port forwarding, please refer to the instructions from term 2


  1. Clone the project repository
git clone
  1. Install python dependencies
cd CarND-Capstone
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make and run styx
cd ros
source devel/
roslaunch launch/styx.launch
  1. Run the simulator

Real world testing

  1. Download training bag that was recorded on the Udacity self-driving car.
  2. Unzip the file
  1. Play the bag file
rosbag play -l traffic_light_bag_file/traffic_light_training.bag
  1. Launch your project in site mode
cd CarND-Capstone/ros
roslaunch launch/site.launch
  1. Confirm that traffic light detection works on real life images