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dbildungs-iam-keycloak is a customized Keycloak docker image for the dBildungscloud-iam-server.

Images for local development or production are build for each Git tag via GitHub Actions.

Automtic image build and scan for development

On every push to a branch (except main) a GitHub Workflow builds, uploads (to GHCR) and scans the image (with trivy). The image is tagged with the ticket extracted from the branch name. The trivy scan results are available under Security -> Code scanning -> Filter: "is:open branch:<branch>".

After a merge to main a GitHub Workflow builds, uploads (to GHCR) and scans the image (with trivy). The image is tagged with the short commit hash and "latest". The trivy scan results are available under Security -> Code scanning.

The latest image on GHCR is scanned with trivy every night.

Manual build for local development image

Following steps are intent to build the container for local development purpose.

Build steps (development)

You may use a pre-build image from GitHub Packages. To build the container on your own execute following command:

docker build --load --target development -t dbildungsplattform/dbildungs-iam-keycloak/dev .

To create the container execute following command:

docker create --name dbildungs-iam-keycloak -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin dbildungsplattform/dbildungs-iam-keycloak/dev:latest

To start (or stop) the container execute following command:

docker start dbildungs-iam-keycloak
docker stop dbildungs-iam-keycloak

The Keycloak Admin Console will be available at http://localhost:8080 or https://localhost:8443. You may login into the instance with username admin and password admin.

Keycloak configuration

The developer build is configured to start Keycloak in developer mode. It is configured without proxy or clustering capabilities (discovery, replication, fail-over). It'll use a local flat-file database, has self-signed certificates for TLS, and exposes metrics.

Manual build for production image

Note, the production image can not be used locally without setting up an TLS termination proxy. Following steps are intent to build the container for production purpose to test it locally. For your development environment you want to make use of the development image.

The production image is build automatically. You may use a pre-build image from GitHub Packages.

Build steps (production)

To build the container execute following command:

docker build --target production -t schulcloud/dbildungs-iam-keycloak .

To use the container, e.g. to test it locally, you'll need a PostgresSQL database up and running. To start a PostgresSQL container execute following commands:

docker network create dbildungs-iam
docker run --name postgres --network=dbildungs-iam-keycloak -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres

Adjust, and execute following command to start the Keycloak production container for local testing:

docker create --name dbildungs-iam-keycloak --network=dbildungs-iam-keycloak -p 8080:8080 \
    -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \
    -e KC_DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgres \
    -e KC_DB_USERNAME=postgres \
    -e KC_DB_PASSWORD=postgres \
    -e KC_HTTP_ENABLED=true \
    -e KC_PROXY=edge \
    -e KC_HOSTNAME=localhost:8080 \

To start (or stop) the container execute following command:

docker start dbildungs-iam-keycloak
docker stop dbildungs-iam-keycloak

The Keycloak Admin Console will be available at http://localhost:8080. To make use of the production image locally, you need to configure a TLS termination proxy (setup is beyond the scope of this document).

Bcrypt Setup

To make use of BCrypt hashed passwords, the keycloak-bcrypt is used.

The Bcrypt provider can be found here. During build, it will be copied into the image and is available for late use.

  • By default, the default Keycloak hashing provider will be used for password hashing
  • To change the default behavior, login as admin under http://localhost:8080
  • Under Authentication -> Password Policy create a new Hashing Algorithm entry with value bcrypt
  • Optional: Under Authentication -> Password Policy create a new Hashing Iterations entry with your desired value, this will be used as cost for bcrypt and the default value is 10


  • ./src: Folder containing Keycloak customization (e.g. plug-ins, themes)
  • ./Dockerfile: The multi-staged Dockerfile for develop or production build.
  • ./ Builds the Keycloak image for local development.
  • ./ Creates the Keycloak container for local development.

Manual Helm Chart Rollout

  1. Make sure a DB exists
  2. Create Secret in Cluster beforehand
  3. Run Helm Install command
helm install --kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig> --namespace <namespace> dbildungs-iam-keycloak ./charts/dbildungs-iam-keycloak -f DB_NAME <db-name> -f KC_DB_USERNAME <kc-db-username>