3reed is a Flutter application that demonstrates interactive 3D character visualization with animated models. This project combines ReadyPlayer.me avatars with Mixamo animations to create an engaging 3D character viewing experience.
For a full video demonstration, check out our detailed walkthrough.
- Display of both male and female 3D characters simultaneously
- Interactive camera controls for character rotation
- Multiple animation sequences for each character:
- Individual animations (Talk, Fight, Jump)
- Synchronized dual-character animations (Conversation, Fight)
- Touch-enabled 3D model interaction
- Camera position reset functionality
- Easy character selection with segmented control
- Flutter SDK (latest stable version)
- Dart SDK (latest stable version)
- flutter_3d_controller package
- Clone the repository
- Add the following files to your assets:
assets/ ├── models/ │ ├── woman_combo.glb │ └── man_combo.glb
This project uses custom 3D models that combine ReadyPlayer.me avatars with Mixamo animations:
- Create your avatar at ReadyPlayer.me
- Download the avatar in GLB format
- Go to Mixamo Download desired animations in FBX format
- Combine the animations with the base model using a Blender or any £D application
Female Character:
- Talk
- Fight
- Jump
Male Character:
- Talk.001
- Fight
- Jump
- Use the floating action buttons to rotate characters left or right
- Tap the reset icon to return to the default camera position
- Enable touch interaction for direct model manipulation
Individual Animations:
- Talk - Triggers talking animation for selected character
- Fight - Triggers fighting animation for selected character
- Jump - Triggers jumping animation for selected character
Dual Character Animations:
- Converse - Synchronizes talking animations between both characters
- Fight - Synchronizes fighting animations between both characters
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
flutter_3d_controller: ^latest_version
- ReadyPlayer.me for the base 3D character models
- Mixamo for the character animations
- HNG Internship