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Security: d-dot-one/awn


We take the security of this software seriously. If you believe you found a security issue or a vulnerability in this software, please report it as described below.

How to Report a Vulnerability

Please do not report a security issue or vulnerability through the public-facing GitHub Issues.

Instead, report the issue or vulnerability directly to the maintainer of this GitHub Action at d-dot-one[at]proton. me. You will receive a response from me within 48 hours. If the issue is confirmed, I will release a patch as soon as possible, depending on complexity but historically within a few days.

Please include the information below (as much as possible) to help me better understand the issue:

  • Type of issue (ex. buffer overflow, remote code execution, authentication/authorization bypass, etc.)
  • The location of the affected source code (tag/branch/commit or URL)
  • Any special configuration required to reproduce the issue
  • Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
  • Proof-of-concept or exploit code (if available)
  • Impact of the issue, including how an attacker might exploit the issue

This information will be helpful for me to identify and correct the issue.

Supported Versions

I release patches for security vulnerabilities. Which versions are eligible for receiving such patches depends on the CVSS v3.0 Rating:

CVSS v3.0 Supported Versions
9.0-10.0 Releases within the previous three months
4.0-8.9 Most recent release

There aren’t any published security advisories